% of American households with home computer?____ Average age 1 st computer use? _______ Amount of time teens spend per day on computer? _______
% of American families with internet access? _________ % of households with teens that have internet access? __________ Amount of time teens spend online every day? __________ #1 source of information for teens? __________________
STOP Recommendations that promise a quick fix. Dire warnings of danger. Dramatic statements refuted by scientific organizations. Recommendations based on studies with no peer review. Recommendations from “studies” that are anecdotal or personal testimony.
PROCEED WITH CAUTION Claims that sound too good to be true. Simplistic conclusions drawn from a complex study. Recommendations based on a single study. Lists of “good” and “bad” foods. Recommendations made to help sell a product.
GO Web site has a professional and credible appearance. Recommendations are backed by current scientific research. Recommendations supported by credible organizations. Recommendations are positive, practical, and personal. Information is current.