History of the Computer Kali PIT-4
First computer Facts: Konrad Zuse invented the first computer called the Z1. It was designed from 1935 and 1936 and built from 1936 to 1938.
The origin of “debugging” There is some controversy over who first used the term "bug”. Many claim that the term "debugging" was first defined by Glenford J Myers in his 1976 book Software Reliability. The story goes that when one of the early computers malfunctioned, Admiral Grace Hopper discovered that the problem was that a moth had got into the circuitry and caused a short circuit.
The Internet The inventors: The Internet was invented in the United States during the late 1950s to the 1970s by a group of researchers and scientists at the newly formed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) after the former Soviet Union launched Sputnik. How it got started and why: The internet started in 1962 as a project for the Department of Defense. Origionally it was designed to allow remote control of nuclear weapons in the case that the city they were located in was destroyed. It was simply a network of computers that were spread throughout the country.
Babbage’s analytical engine The analytical engine, an important step in the history of computers, was the design of a mechanical general-purpose computer by english mathematican Charles Babbage. In its logical design the macine was essential modern, anticipating the first completed general-purpose computers by about 100 years. Babbage’s Analytical machine.
Herman Hollerith’s machine: Why his machine was invented: In 1881, Herman Hollerith began designing a machine to tabulate census data more efficiently than by traditional hand methods. Herman Hollerith invented and used a punched card device to help analyze the 1890 US census data. Herman Hollerith's great breakthrough was his use of electricity to read, count, and sort punched cards whose holes represented data gathered by the census- takers. His machines were used for the 1890 census and accomplished in one year what would have taken nearly ten years of hand tabulating.
ENIAC Why it was invented: ENIAC was designed to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory, but its first use was in calculations for the hydrogen bomb.
What is a Program? An organized list of instructions that, when executed, causes the computer to behave in a predetermined manner. Basically what this is saying is that without programs basically computers are useless. A program is sorta like a recipe. It contains a list of ingredients called variables and a list of directions called statements that tell the computer what to do with the variables. The variables can represent different things like numeric data, text, or graphical images.
Transistors vs. Vacuum tube: What was used for the different generations: The transistor is an influential invention that changed the course of history for computers. The first generation of computers used vaccum tubes; the second generation used transistors; the third used integrated circuits; and the fourth used microprocessors. What a transistor was: A transistor is a device composed of semi-conductor material that can both conduct and insulate. Transistors switch and modulate electronic current. Before transistors, digital circuits were composed of vacuum tubes. The transistor was the first device designed to ct as both a transmitter, converting sound waves into electronic waves, and resistor, controlling electronic current. What vacuum tubes were: A vacuum tube consists of electrodes in vacuum in an insulating heat-resistant envelope which is usually tubular. Many tubes have glass envelopes, through some types such as power tubes may have ceramic or metal envelopes. The electrolytes are attached to leads which pass through the envelope via an airtight seal. On most tubes, the leads are designed to plug into a tube socket for easier replacement Vacuum tube
MIcrocomputerMIcrocomputer What a microcomputer is: A microcomputer is a computer with a microprossesor as it’s central processing unit. Who invented it? Ed Roberts invented the first microcomputer in What the typical microcomputer looked like:
The Binary System Explanation: The binary numeral system, or base-2 number system, represents numeric values using two symbols, 0 and 1. The Binary system is used in all modern computers.
Websites to visit for more information: mhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_numeral_syste m