Part 2 Lesson 3 Review
false 1. When you copy text, it is temporarily placed on the Clipboard, but when you cut text, it is permanently erased from your computer.
true 2. Most business letters use a block format in which all lines start at the left margin.
true 3. Word provides a variety of templates that you can use to create business letters.
false 4. The Thesaurus can be used to correct commonly misspelled words.
true 5. If you want to automatically change every occurrence of the word Matthew with Matt in a letter, you can click Replace All in the Find and Replace dialog box.
true 6. If you need to frequently insert a long or hard-to-spell name into your documents, you might find AutoText useful.
false 7. A business letter’s salutation typically comes between the recipient’s name and address and the closing.
true 8. Before you can copy text, you must select it.
false 9. In a business letter, the sender’s address is the address of the person to whom the letter is being sent.
true 10. A letter template can be helpful in establishing the order of the different components of a business letter.
false 11. The paragraphs within the body of a business letter are double spaced.
false 12. A quick way to copy selected text is to press [CTRL]+[X].
false 13. If you were writing a book report and wanted to quickly locate the name Ericson, you could use the Replace command.
true 14. In a business letter, the sender’s job title is typically listed immediately below his or her name.
true 15. Templates often contain placeholder text that tells you what information should be keyed into specific locations.
Review Lesson 3