Vocabulary Boot Camp Week 8
Introducing Our Week 8 Words explicit stipulate elicit inundate prolific awesome integral persistence duration array
explicit Part of Speech: adjective Parallel Terms: certain, precise, specific Sample Sentence: Mrs. Magrini provided her students with explicit requirements for each pasta tower’s height.
stipulate Part of Speech: verb Parallel Terms: specify, require, state Sample Sentence: The rules for Monopoly stipulate that each player is to begin the game with $1500.
elicit Part of Speech: verb Parallel Terms: obtain, bring out Sample Sentence:
inundate Part of Speech: verb Parallel Terms: overwhelm, flood Sample Sentence:
prolific Part of Speech: adjective Parallel Terms: abundant, productive Sample Sentence: Having published over twenty novels, Jerry Spinelli is considered to be a prolific writer.
awesome Part of Speech: adjective Parallel Terms: terrifying, dreadful Sample Sentence:
integral Part of Speech: adjective Parallel Terms: essential, fundamental Sample Sentence:
persistence Part of Speech: noun Parallel Terms: endurance, perseverance Sample Sentence:
duration Part of Speech: noun Parallel Terms: period, term, length of time Sample Sentence: For the duration of the flight to Australia, Sammy devoured all three novels in the Hunger Games series.
array Part of Speech: noun Parallel Terms: collection, group, assortment Sample Sentence: The shelves of the classroom library were lined with a wide array of novels for sixth graders to explore.
Quick Write Warm Up In your RNB, express your reader’s ideas towards the question below. (Try using a shortened I.P.E.C.C formula) First impressions can leave lasting impressions on a reader’s interest in a novel and a specific author. Describe your first impression of the novel. What do you think of Jerry Spinelli’s writing style so far? Does he seem like a writer you’ll enjoy? Why or why not?