Using the SLK Guidebook and Assessment Forms in the development of a Learning Media Assessment IESBVI Staff Conference October 2012 Cynthia White-Botello & Joan Pease 1
Agenda SLK/LMA and the Strategic Plan IESBVI Assessment Procedures Learning Media Assessments (LMA) for students with significant additional disabilities (developmentally in the birth-2 range) Learning Media Assessments (LMA) for students with significant additional disabilities (developmentally in the birth-2 range) Using the SLK as a LMA Discussion 2
Strategic Plan - ECC Goal: All students who are blind and visually impaired will increase independence through documented achievement and/or progression in areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum. 3
IESBVI’s Assessment Procedures Learning Media Assessment (LMA) Specific Populations For the students with significant additional disabilities (in the birth-2 range developmentally), the Sensory Learning Kit (SLK) Guidebook and Assessment Forms should be used in the development of the LMA. Then scroll down to “TVIs/COMS Assessment and Screening Expectations”. 4
Why do an LMA for a student who is developmentally in the birth – 2 year range? “Learning media assessment encompasses general learning media and literacy media (Learning Media Assessment, Koenig and Holbrook, page 2) General learning media – include both instructional materials and instructional methods Literacy media – include the range of tools for reading and writing in print and Braille.” 5
Using the SLK to develop an LMA Resources: SLK Guidebook and Assessment Forms SLK as LMA Report Template Then scroll down to “LMA Students With Visual Impairments and Additional Disabilities” 6
SLK Guidebook and Assessment Forms Purpose: to provide sensory experiences that stimulate curiosity and to motivate interactions that help develop communication, cognitive, and motor skills Target Population: learners who are in the 0 to 2-year range of cognitive development Contents: include five assessment tools to be use sequentially 7
LEARNING MEDIA ASSESSMENT (LMA) REPORT Based on the APH Sensory Learning Kit (SLK) by Millie Smith Assessment Results Reflected in Levels and Strategies Guide Student Name: Dates of Assessment: DOB/Age: School District/School: Assessment Team: Date of Report: The Learning Media Assessment (LMA) is a required assessment for students with visual impairments, including those with additional disabilities. The data from the LMA is used to determine the most appropriate learning/literacy media (learning materials) for the student. Aside from determining if Braille is an appropriate learning or literacy medium for the student, it addresses, for students with additional disabilities, all sensory channels, to identify which channels and associated materials are accessible to the student and can be used for learning. The following data were collected during the SLK assessment and recorded on the Sensory Response Record. 8
SLK Assessment 1 Sensory Learning Summary Sensory Learning Summary contains important sensory or medical information blank form starts on page 49 blank form starts on page 49 sample completed form starts on page 81 sample completed form starts on page 81 9
SLK Assessment 2 Arousal State Profile Completed if a student’s arousal periods are in question To give a profile of typical patterns of arousal, arousal states are recorded during structured observations. instructions and blank form start on page 57 instructions and blank form start on page 57 sample completed form starts on page 89 sample completed form starts on page 89 10
SLK Assessment 3 Sensory Response Record Information about responses to a variety of media in each sensory channel are recorded during structured presentations. instructions and blank form start on page 65 instructions and blank form start on page 65 sample completed form starts on page 95 sample completed form starts on page 95 11
SLK Form 3: Sensory Response Record (results of assessment) This student demonstrated positive responses regarding sensory items presented. Responsive Level: The four responsiveness levels identified in the SLK are: extended state (fussy, upset, angry, asleep), quiet alert (in a general state of alertness), active alert (alert and curious about the activity), partial participation (alert and taking some part in the activity). This indicates at what level of responsiveness the student performed during the assessment and sets the starting point for the level of the instructional activity routines selected. (please indicate # of presentations eliciting responses below) Total Items Presented Extended StateQuiet AlertActive Alert Partial Partic. # Items31340 % Items15%65%20%-- The responsive level(s) most frequently observed: Quiet Alert 12
SLK Assessment 4 Appetite Aversion List This list identifies appetite items that elicit positive responses and aversion items that elicit negative responses instructions and blank form start on page 73 instructions and blank form start on page 73 sample completed form starts on page 99 sample completed form starts on page 99 13
SLK Form 4: Appetite/Aversion List (based on assessment) Appetite Items. These are items presented to the student in all appropriate sensory channels for which a positive response (liked the item) was demonstrated. Delayed Response Time. The amount of time it took for the student to respond to the item. Appetite Items (likes) identified during Sensory Response Record presentations and average delayed response time per sensory channel: Vest/Prop. (move.) Olfactory (smell) Gustatory (taste) Tactual (touch) Auditory (sound) Visual (sight) Appetite Totals Avg Delayed Response Time Sensory channels with most positive responses: Tactual and Visual 14
Top ten sensory appetite items (Items eliciting strongest positive response): These items represent appropriate learning media for this student. Appetite Items (likes)Sensory Channel/Response 1.LotionTactual / Active Alert 2. Wax PaperTactual / Active Alert 3.Tactile Roller with plush coverTactual / Quiet Alert 4. MirrorVisual / Quiet Alert 5.Helium BalloonVisual / Quiet Alert 6. FacesVisual / Quiet Alert 7. Music PlayerAuditory / Quiet Alert 8.SingingAuditory / Quiet Alert 9.TwizzlerTaste / Active Alert 10.CerealTaste / Active Alert Aversions: Vestibular: side-to-side rocking, hammock swing, front-to-back rocking, waterbed Taste: Pudding, Lollipop Smell: Strong odors 15
SLK Assessment 5 Level & Strategy Guide This tool helps determine the appropriate level at which to begin teaching and to identify what specific strategies to use for teaching. instructions and blank form start on page 75 instructions and blank form start on page 75 sample completed form starts on page 101 sample completed form starts on page
SLK Form 5: Level & Strategy Guide (appropriate level & strategies to begin teaching) Results & Recommendations: Environmental Factors Related to Learner’s Orienting Responses: Lighting, Temperature, Odors, Noise Level, Visual Clutter, Positioning, Movement, Other: (address all that apply) Results and Recommendations: Social Factors Related to Learner’s Orienting Responses: Presence or absence of peers/adults, Direct attention to peers/adults, Preferred peers/adults, Others: (address all that apply) Recommended Referrals: Visual, Auditory, Gross Motor, Communication, Medical, Nutritional, Sleep, Dental, Psychological: (address all that apply) 17
General programming recommendations based on SLK results: Learning Media Assessment Results: This student responded most frequently on the quiet alert level of responsiveness. Positive responses to sensory items were elicited in the following sensory channels: tactual, visual, auditory, and taste Appetite items are real objects and activities in the student’s home or educational environment, for which the student has shown a positive response. Educational programming (activity routines) on the student’s responsiveness level, incorporating items from the appetite list (above) are recommended as the most appropriate instructional strategy for this student. Ongoing assessment of additional learning media is recommended. The following 3 activity routine topics have been selected for this student, based on the assessment data reported above. 1. Lotion 2. Wax Paper 3. Helium Balloon ___________________ Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments 18
Discussion 19