Roman Entertainment Chariot Racing Plymstock School History Department
Learning ObjectivesLearning Outcomes Knowledge: What would it have been like to watch and participate in a Chariot Racing? Extension – How does it compare to modern entertainment Skills Empathy; Literacy – to use adjectives Knowledge: To watch clips from a DVD of a reconstruction of a chariot race. To be able to compare chariot racing and gladiator fights and reach an opinion about Roman Entertainment.
Chariot Racing took place in the Circus Maximus. This means ‘Biggest Circuit’. Crowds of 250,000 would watch the most important races, that is five times the capacity of Wembley Stadium.
Races had a minimum of four teams. People supported their team as we support our football teams. People also put bets on the races in the hope of winning money. The races were put on (sponsored) by rich, important Romans, hoping to gain popularity with the ordinary people
The clip you are about to watch is from the film ‘Ben Hur’, made in The Chariot sequence took over six months to film, and the movie won more Oscars than any other film until Titanic equalled it in 1997.
THE RACE CHOOSE A TEAM -they are from all over the Empire- Athens Frigia Judea Alexandria Mycenae Cyprus Rome Corinth Athens Alexandria Mycenae Cyprus Corinth Rome Judea Frigia
Brainstorm What words would you use to describe the race you have just seen?
What happened during a Chariot Race?
Is Chariot Racing different to modern sports? I think that Chariot Race is similar / different to modern sports because … (give examples of modern sports)
Rules of the Chariot Racing Game Please turn to page 18 Record everything that happens to you in the race in your books