Helping consumers in debt
Worried about energy debts? Recent energy price rises, along with other rising costs and falling incomes, have left many people struggling to pay their energy bills With the extra cost of winter heating bills ahead we are worried many more people may go into debt to their energy supplier If you are worried about not being able to pay your energy bill you should know that your supplier has to help you to work out an affordable way to pay back the money you owe
Worried about energy debts? Over half of people in Britain are worried about being able to afford their energy bills this winter*. The figure is even higher among families and older people living on low incomes, with almost two thirds concerned. One in six people plan to only heat half, or fewer, of the rooms in their house this winter. One in 20 people will only be heating one or two rooms, rising to one in 10 of those in the poorest social group. * Omnibus research was carried out by TNS Omnibus on behalf of Consumer Focus on a face to face basis. The polling was carried out between 30 th September – 4 th October (with 1526 individuals aged 16yrs+) and 28 th October - 1 st November 2011 (with1394 individuals aged 16yrs+)
Worried about energy debts? Worryingly only just over half of people (55%) trust their supplier to help them if they get into debt. Fewer than half of people (49%) are aware their energy firm has to take their circumstances and ability to pay into consideration when arranging repayments of outstanding bills and almost one in five (19%) believe their supplier could name any amount and they would have to pay it. * Omnibus research was carried out by TNS Omnibus on behalf of Consumer Focus on a face to face basis. The polling was carried out between 30 th September – 4 th October (with 1526 individuals aged 16yrs+) and 28 th October - 1 st November 2011 (with1394 individuals aged 16yrs+)
Five top tips 1.Contact your energy company as soon as you realise you might have trouble paying your bill – debts will be harder to pay off if they grow. 2.Tell your supplier what you can afford to pay – they have to take this into account in agreeing your repayments. 3.Ask your energy firm, your local Citizens Advice Bureau or the Home Heat Helpline to find out about other free energy help available. 4.Even if you are in debt you may be able to switch to a cheaper deal with your current supplier, especially if you pay by cash, cheque or pre-payment meter. 5.Find out if you are missing out on financial help that could make it easier to pay your bills by contacting your local Citizens Advice Bureau.
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