Debtor Collection Workshop American Chamber of Commerce 31 January 2005
2 Leading positions throughout the world No. 1 in: No. 2 in: Canada The Netherlands Sweden Denmark Norway Finland Austria Greece Czech Republic Portugal United States Germany France United Kingdom Italy Belgium & Luxembourg Hungary Poland Morocco Singapore
3 Euler Hermes in Poland in year 2004 Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeniowe Euler Hermes S.A. -Trade Credit Insurance (over 1000 clients, 100 Mio PLN gross written premium) Euler Hermes Zarządzanie Ryzykiem Sp. z o.o. -Risk Assessment and Monitoring ( Polish companies in database), -Payment Behaviour Analysis (more than 300 participating companies), -Field Debt Collecting (over 350 Mio PLN in B2B), -Monitoring of the receivables (new service), -Rating of companies ( rated companies in Poland) -Debt Trading. Euler Hermes Anna Kozińska – Kancelaria Prawna Sp. k. -Legal Consulting (170 clients), -Legal Debt Collecting.
4 worldwide exchange of information annual reports, trade information annual reports, trade information supplied by clients about themselves information supplied by clients about themselves information supplied by agency reports information supplied by agency reports experience gained by Euler Hermes clients experience gained by Euler Hermes clients EH Payment Behaviour Analysis EH Payment Behaviour Analysis register of companies, Statistical Offices register of companies, Statistical Offices Euler Hermes Info Pool Euler Hermes Info Pool information supplied by banks information supplied by banks Polish Monitor B reports of the Euler Hermes Sales Staff reports of the Euler Hermes Sales Staff economic media economic media Information sources for the risk assessment balance sheet, status figures balance sheet, status figures EH Debt Collecting EH Debt Collecting
5 Notification of an overdue account (max. 60 days) Credit insurance with debt collection scheme Jan.1Feb. 1Apr. 1May 1 Due Date Date of Invoice July 1March 1June 1 Protracted default (4 months after notification) Field debt collection Indemnification Aug. 1Sept. 1Oct. 1Nov. 1Dec. 1 Monitoring of the riskRisk assesment Legal debt collection
6 Cover against financial losses Monitoring of the risk Quick evaluation of current client’s and potential clients solvency Cost savings (outsourcing) Effective and direct debt collection Client benefits from credit risk management Legal advice on every stage of business activity Access to the database with information about millions of companies abroad and in Poland Clients can concentrate on business and not on debt collecting