Changing attitudes and the agenda! The attitudes toward rapists and their victims Women strike back Guðrún Jónsdóttir Spokeswoman of Stigamot
The attitudes of the public (Opinion pool in UK 2005, by Amnesty International) 1/3 of the British, blame women who flirt 1/3 blame drunk women 1/4 blame women that dress provocatively 15% blame women with rumour of being promiscuous 8% promiscuous women have the whole responsibility Measuring women´s guilt is a measure of rapist´s innocence
An from the every day life at Stígamót: ” Good morning. I want to ask about your work. Can anyone come and talk to somebody at Stigamot? Even though the person was drunk when she was raped? The attitudes of our women
Women´s reasons for not reporting rapes (H.M. Og K.E 2006) The most common amongst many explanations where: 85% of women where too shamed to report 75% of women felt too guilty to report
The most common consequences of violence at Stigamot 2008
Attitudes of the Iceland’s Health Organisation: Aimed at young people to prevent them from drinking alcohol (April 2009)
The connection between use of alcohol and violence for rapists (HM og KE 2006)
Attitudes within the police Former head of the section for sexual crimes within the Police in DV „Often these cases are connected to heavy drinking and are the sole responsibility of the individual who is bound to get into trouble. It is difficult how common it is that people point to others and try and make them responsible. People should perhaps look into themselves more often and take responsibility for themselves.“ He resigned from the post
The attitude of the State Autorney “It has never been more dangerous to express ones views” 270 rapes and attempts, 7 sentences, one in court 2009 Demands impossible behaviour and reaction from women: – Announce her situation to the rapist – Understands the strong force driving men, makes it impossible to stop – Blames women for not defining the violence as rape until later – Blames them for their drinking – what about the perpetrators? – A woman does not have to say no, the man has the responsibility to be sure of her agreement. Worries about the debate, not the figures Defends the former head of the sexual crime section Criticises use of his office figures from and Forgets the criticism from Human right commission from 2005 huge difference between reported rapes and sentences.
“The alleged rapes” About 1250 rapes and attemps known at Stigamot and the Rape crises Centre 156 to the prosecutors 105 dropped 51 prosecutions 24 sentences in county court Most 8 pr. year (2006) 14 sentences in Supreme court Most 3 a year
Reported cases from Stigamot 2009 “Today everything is reported, endlessly, not only in rapecases, but in all cases” State Autorney
Abuse of power, Silencing and scandals unvield Church did not react to women´s complaints about sexual asults “Priests should keep silent over child molestors” Such attitudes not tolerated anymore
Stereotypes and ignorance The ignorance is not harmless Neither is silencing and invisibility, use of words and pictures Blaming the victims is unacceptable Stops women from seeking help and reporting The myths justify the violence They promote the perpetrators “innocence”
Education, knowledge and training! Education and knowledge on violence and its consequences on victims vital for justice to be done So is training of all key instances We have a skilled special prosecutor on economic issues Why not in sexual crime issues?
Optimism Solidarity and enormous support for Stigamót work Less tolerance for prejudice, silencing and scandals Reactions from ministers and head of police A political will to change
“I encourage the ministers to wear the glasses every day at work” JS Prime minister oct. 2010
Greetings from the Women at Stigamot