1º A HOMEWORK´S TEACHER ALEJANDRO VILLALOBOS MONDAYTUESDA Y WEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Make a collage with party things Draw your own party Worksheet (mystery party) Do the cube (with the help of your parents) Study vocabulary
1º B HOMEWORK´S TEACHER ALEJANDRO VILLALOBOS MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Make a collage with party things Draw your own party Worksheet (mystery party) Do the cube (with the help of your parents) Study vocabulary
2º HOMEWORK´S TEACHER MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Worksheet about time with the clock. Escribir 5 oraciones con el vocabulario del dia utilizando la hora. Contestar: what is your favorite time of the day? Contestar When do you get up? When do you get dressed? At what time do you go to school? At what time do you have dinner? At what time do you go to bed? estudiar vocabulari o
3º HOMEWORK´S MISS. ALFA BLANCO MONDAY Make a draw of each one of the five senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch. And color it. TUESDAY Complete the following sentences.Possible answers: ears, tongue, hands, nose, eyes. 1.- With my________ I can see so many things. 2.- With my ________ I can smell delicious food to eat. 3.- With my _________ I can taste the popcorn and the ice-cream. 4.- With my _________ I can hear laughter from the crowd. 5.- With my _________ I can touch and feel so many different textures. WEDNESDA Y In 10 cardboards cards write the following words and make a draw of each one. On one side write the word with a black marker, on the other side make the draw and color it. Hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch, ears, eyes, fingers, nose, tongue. THURSDAY Complete the following sentences.Possible answers: taste, hear, touch, see, smell. 1.- We________ with our eyes. 2.- We ________ with our ears. 3.- We _________ with our nose. 4.- We _________ with our tongue. 5.- We _________ with our fingers. FRIDAY Make a draw of what you did on your vacations, color it and write at least a 10 sentence paragraph of what you did too.
4º HOMEWORK´S MISS. ALFA BLANCO MONDAY Search on the internet about a gramophone and paste the picture on your notebook. Answer the following questions: 1.- When do they invented?. 2.- How does it work? TUESDAY Complete the following sentences about past live. Possible answers: phones, gasoline power, running water, stoves, electric lights.` 1.- People didn’t have ________. They took baths in wooden tubs. 2.- People didn’ have________. They burned candles. 3.- People didn’t have ________. They cooked over a fire. 4.- People didn’t have cars or ________ ___________. They rode horses. 5.- People didn’t have _________. They had to talk in person. WEDNESDA Y Make a sentence with the following past invention words: bench, candle, carriage, gramophone, horse, slate, umbrella, wooden tub. Underline it on the sentence. THURSDAY In 10 cardboards cards write the following words and make a draw of each one. On one side write the word with a black marker, on the other side make the draw and color it. Bandage, carriage, electric light, electricity, lamp, printing, record, running water, tape, tricycle. FRIDAY Make a draw of what you did on your vacations, color it and write at least a 10 sentence paragraph of what you did too.
5º HOMEWORK´S MR. MIGUEL ANGEL MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDA Y THURSDAYFRIDAY Traer un escrito sobre distintas maneras de comunicaci ón 1 ½ hoja. Traer 5 oraciones por pronombre (any one, some one, no one, every one) Traer un Word map utilizando como base la frase WAYS TO COMMUNIC ATE. Contestar How do you communicate if you can hear or speak? Does sign language uses special gestures? Are there different tipys of spoken languages? Do sign flags help you spell a Word? Estudiar vocabula rio
6º HOMEWORK´S MR. MIGUEL ANGEL MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDA Y FRIDAY Write about an adventure you would like top have. Ask your parents what is their favorite adventure until now? Do 10 sentences using already and yet. Do 10 sentences using would and wouldn´t Estudiar vocabulario