Breaking the SILENCE !
what is domestic violence? domestic violence is a PATTERN OF COERCIVE BEHAVIOR that is used by a person against family or household members or dating partners to gain POWER OR CONTROL over the other party in a relationship.
what is domestic violence? This behavior may be include any of the following: Physical violence Sexual abuse Emotional and Psychological Intimidation Verbal abuse and Threats Stalking Isolation from friends and family Economic control Destruction of personal property Animal cruelty
what are the forms of DV? PHYSCIAL abuse EMOTIONAL (mental) abuse SEXUAL abuse ECONOMIC (financial)
variety of tactics abusers use
Dominance Humiliation Isolation Threats Intimidation Denial Blame
what is the cycle of abuse? Tension Building phase Violent Episode “Honeymoon” phase
what are the warning signs? Injuries and excuses Absences from Work or School Low Self – Esteem Personality Changes Fear of Conflict Not knowing what one wants or how one feels Self blame
Cultural Barriers in Abuse Immigration issues -Failing to file papers to legalize her immigration status -Threatening to withdraw papers filed -Threatening to take her children away from U.S Family violence, not just partner violence -Mother- In- Law, Father-in-law, Sister-in-law, Brother-in-law Cultural stigma of divorce -Societal isolation -Character in Question -Hampering the self esteem
Cultural Barriers in Abuse Family honor - Prevents women from leaving - “duty” to keep the family and marriage intact, despite abuse -Man has the right to take the decision and control -Man`s family always has more “say” Cultural differences - Dowry system - Gender inequality
what can “I” do to be safe? Call the police Get support from a Domestic Violence Agency or Emergency Shelter Get support from friends and family Get medical help Make a Safety Plan – see for more information on how to make a safety
Resources… Interact (Wake County) 24hr. Hotline Kiran Crisis Counseling 24hr Hotline NCKIRAN Legal Aid of North Carolina
Current Work Done Nationally Karamah… Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights (DC) Turning Point … For women and Families (NY) Shelter in Charlotte for Muslim women
KIRAN … is a multicultural, non-religious, community-based South Asian organization. offers HOPE to South Asians in North Carolina who are victims of Domestic Violence promotes SELF-RELIANCE & EMPOWERMENT of South Asian women and men who are in crisis through outreach, peer support and referrals in a confidential manner serves people whose origin or background is from the following countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
KIRAN SERVICES Provide culturally specific Crisis Counseling over hotline in different languages NC KIRAN Emotional support to our clients Information in a culture- and context-sensitive manner Support group which deals with specific issues to South Asian Language Assistance and Translation Referrals to professional and community services regarding legal issues, health care, short-term child care, psychological counseling, and temporary shelter and housing
Lets talk… Openly, confidentially, with trust & NO JUDGEMENT