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Presentation transcript:

What would you do to get someone’s attention or interest? What is love? What would you do to get someone’s attention or interest?

Disney Love How do Disney characters act when they realize they are in love?What do they do? Click for video (end 3:09)

Sometimes, it’s not about finding love...but losing it.

Francesco Petrarch July 20, 1304 - July 19, 1374 Was an italian scholar & poet, one of the earliest humanists. Gave up his ambition to be a priest after falling in “love at first sight” with a woman named Laura.

Laura Laura refused Petrarch for an acceptable reason -- she was already married. Despite the fact that Petrarch had little personal contact with Laura, he channeled his feelings into love poems. He wrote over 365 poems for her. His love, sadly, went unrequited, but his poems would live on forever.

What would we call this today?

Another name for a love poem... Sonnet means “little song,” or “little sound.” How should sonnets sound when we read them?

Sonnet 54 (LIV) Already I grow weary thinking how, Unwearying, my thoughts upon thee dwell, And how to life they cling as to their hell When they might quit their sighing at one blow; And how of that sweet face, that hair, that brow, Those eyes, the sun's pure golden citadel, By day and night naming thy name I tell Their virtues in my beads until they glow! And how my feet, not tired, not broken, still Following thy dear footsteps everywhere, Mount uselessly a never-ending stair; And whence the ink, the paper which I fill With thee? If incompletely I declare thee, Blame not the art but blame the love I bear thee.

What stands out? How is this poem like a “little song”? What stands out about the structure?

The rhyme scheme in a poem is marked using letters. Roses are red, Violets are blue. Sonnets rhyme, and songs do too. A B C The rhyme scheme in a poem is marked using letters.

Finding the rhyme Already I grow weary thinking how, Unwearying, my thoughts upon thee dwell, And how to life they cling as to their hell When they might quit their sighing at one blow; And how of that sweet face, that hair, that brow, Those eyes, the sun's pure golden citadel, By day and night naming thy name I tell Their virtues in my beads until they glow! And how my feet, not tired, not broken, still Following thy dear footsteps everywhere, Mount uselessly a never-ending stair; And whence the ink, the paper which I fill With thee? If incompletely I declare thee, Blame not the art but blame the love I bear thee.

Different strokes for different folks. There are different types of sonnets in regards to how they are structured. Petrarch’s love poems are called Petrarchan Sonnets. What do you think Shakespeare’s sonnets were called?

Structure of a Petrarchan Sonnet 14 lines total 1 octet or octave (8 lines) 1 sestet (6 lines) Rhyme scheme can vary. Written in iambic pentameter

Structure of Shakespearean Sonnet 14 lines total 3 quatrains (How many lines?) 1 couplet (How many lines?) Rhyme scheme typically: ABAB, CDCD EFEF, GG Written in iambic pentameter

Sonnet 130 William Shakespeare My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips’ red; If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. I have seen roses damasked, red and white, But no such roses see I in her cheeks; And in some perfumes is there more delight Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. I love to hear her speak, yet well I know That music hath a far more pleasing sound; I grant I never saw a goddess go; My mistress when she walks treads on the ground. And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare.

Rhythm So far we can see the lyrics of the “little song,” and find the rhyme scheme, but where is the rhythm? How would the poem sound read to the rhythm of a heartbeat?

Iambic Pentameter In poetry: the rhythm of the poem is called the meter. The rhythm used in a sonnet is called iambic pentameter. An iamb is when syllables are STRESSED and unstressed. Ba- BUM Pentameter means there are 5 iambs in a line. Ba-BUM, Ba-BUM, Ba-BUM, Ba-BUM, Ba-BUM

Modern Day Iambic Pentameter Where might we see (or hear) iambic pentameter used today? Today rap artists use iambic pentameter in their songs to stress & un-stress certain lyrics.

Lose Yourself Click for song 10 syllables per line. 5 stressed. His PALMS are SWEATy, KNEES weak, ARMS are HEAVy There's VOmit ON his SWEATer alREADy, mom's spaGHETTi He's NERVous, but ON the SURFace he LOOKS calm and READy To DROP BOMBS, but HE keeps ON forGETtin’ What HE wrote DOWN, the WHOLE crowd GOES so LOUD He OPens his MOUTH, BUT the WORDS won't come OUT He's CHOKin’, how EVeryBODy's JOKin’ NOW The CLOCK'S run OUT, TIME'S up OVer, BLOah! 10 syllables per line. 5 stressed. 5 unstressed. Can you hear them? Click for song

Why use iambic pentameter? Writing lines with a deliberate rhythm helped actors memorize lines...because most of them could not read. It made lines sound more romantic and song like.

Weary with toil Wea/1/ry /2/with toil,/3/ I haste/4/ me to/5/my bed, The dear repose for limbs with travel tired; But then begins a journey in my head To work my mind, when body’s work’s expired: For then my thoughts—from far where I abide— Intend a zealous pilgrimage to thee, And keep my drooping eyelids open wide, Looking on darkness which the blind do see: Save that my soul’s imaginary sight Presents thy shadow to my sightless view Which, like a jewel hung in ghastly night, Makes black night beauteous, and her old face new. Lo! thus, by day my limbs, by night my mind, For thee, and for myself, no quiet find.