"How to Get Your Children to be an independent person... without any screaming or shouting."
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1.Having good Nutrition 2.Doing Exercise 3. Having Dream 4. Asking questions 5. Fostering Imagination 6. Thinking Positively 7. Taking Responsibility
Two types of people The proactive one The reactive one who take responsibility to the life who blame to the life
Two types of people The proactive one The reactive one who take responsibility to the life who blame to the life
Two types of people The proactive one The reactive one who take responsibility to the life who blame to the life who make things happen who get happened to
1. Having good Nutrition Back in 400 B.C., Hippocrates said, "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." Today, good nutrition is more important than ever. At least four of the 10 leading causes of death (like heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes) are directly related to way we eat. Eating right is the cornerstones of health.
The keys to good nutrition are balance, variety and moderation. To stay healthy, your body needs the right balance of carbohydrates, fats, and protein -- the three main components of nutrition.carbohydrates,fats,protein
2. Doing Exercise The American Heart Association advises 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise three or four times a week. Doing less than this will minimize your health benefits. Exercising 4 or more times a week will increase your health benefits. Regular aerobic exercise reduces the risk of getting circulation problems, strokes, and heart disease.
3. Asking questions It is the key to engaging students in learning
The Question Game with your kids To start, two participants decide on a topic to question. One person starts with an open-ended question, then the other person responds with a related open-ended question. For example, the topic might be an object in the room, such as a light bulb: A: Why is it important to have light? B: Where does light come from? A: How does light help people? B: Where is light used? A: What would happen if there were no light? Try asking a question and going around the room, each person asking a question based on the one before.
4. Dreaming 1. Dare to hope 2. Dear to know 3. Dear to do 4. Dare to change
5. Fostering Imagination Imagination is a creative power that is necessary for inventing an instrument, designing a dress or a building, painting a picture or writing a book. The creative power of imagination has an important role in the achievement of success in any field.
6. Taking Responsibility It is the road to become an independent person.
7. Thinking Positively While we can’t control everything that happens in life, we do have one thing we can control: how we respond to what happens to us.
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