Look at the image above, what questions do you want to ask about it to find out more? What 15 mark exam questions do you think could be asked about the above image?
Coastal Flooding Hurricane Katrina 2005
Lesson Objectives: Identify the specific human and physical causes of the flooding Analyse the physical and socio-economic consequences of the flooding Interpret what factors were to blame for the impact of hurricane Katrina A01 A02
Possible Exam Question: For a named example, evaluate the causes and consequences of coastal flooding (15 marks) AO1 – Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the content, concepts and processes AO2 – Analyse, interpret and evaluate geographical information, issues and viewpoints and apply understanding in unfamiliar contexts What AOs does this question include and why?
For a named example, evaluate the causes and consequences of coastal flooding (15 marks) Grade A: Display a detailed understanding of the topic, makes several points with the support of an appropriate example as well as applying the questions theme. A wide range of characteristics and reasons given and a highly detailed account of a case study used. Detailed response to both cause and consequence as well as demonstrating evaluation and synthesis. Grade C: Display a clear understanding of the topic and make one or two points with the support of an appropriate example. A wide range of characteristics and reasons given, and the response looks at both cause and consequence Grade E: Display a basic understanding of the topic and making only one or two simplistic points with no examples used. Basic list of characteristics and reasons given, and the response only looks at cause or consequence
Self-Evaluation Tree:
Disaster Response Room: Over the next ten minutes you are going to be given a range of information regarding hurricane Katrina. One person from your group is going to come to the front to get the latest information as it comes into the newsroom As a group you need to ‘sift’ through and determine what the causes and effects are of the coastal flooding being experienced in New Orleans The information you receive is coming in live so the event is still on going! The time/date of the information coming in as well as Katrina’s path will be displayed on the board at all times
June 2005
August 23 rd : New Orleans
August 25 th : New Orleans
August 27 th : New Orleans
August 28 th : New Orleans
August 29 th : New Orleans
August 30 th : New Orleans
September 3 rd : New Orleans
September 9 th : New Orleans
September 12 th : New Orleans
Self-Evaluation Tree:
Who was to blame? Using all of the information that you have looked at this lesson, you now need to determine who was to blame for the scale of the devastation witnessed in New Orleans Natural Economic Social Political You have been given 10 cards that are considered the most significant causes of the coastal flooding seen in New Orleans Place them on your grid, to indicate where YOU feel the blame lies
Self-Evaluation Tree:
You now have 10 minutes to complete the above exam question in exam conditions Now we are going to peer assess each others answer and see if you have each met your target grade! For a named example, evaluate the causes and consequences of coastal flooding (15 marks)
Lesson Objectives: Identify the specific human and physical causes of the flooding Analyse the physical and socio-economic consequences of the flooding Interpret what factors were to blame for the impact of hurricane Katrina A01 A02