Karl Menninger
People think that life transformation is a simple process whereby changes in life style transforms everything BUT They have to work hard to change their life styles. They have to work more They have to earn more They need to pretend more They need to act more They need to popularize more.
Most people don’t know that Instead of marked changes in life style A SIMPLE ATTITUDE CHANGE Will have a REMARKABLE CHANGE In LIFE STYLE Change in attitude brings everything easier to life.
The be-happy attitudes
if you know that you cannot do it alone don’t hesitate to ask for help. “Be sincere in your weakness and inability.” Your attitude of asking help when you are really incapable of doing things brings real blessings “ Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven””
Occupational poverty Intellectual poverty Emotional poverty Solutions Admit your needs and ask for Help “Its not easy but its essential” ‘ say sorry ‘ “learn to make confession and discover the power of being honest”
Ask the right question and get the right answer Do not argue with what has happened don’t blame god Don’t blame yourself Don’t fix the blame – fix the problem The right way of questioning god What happens to good people when bad things happen to them GOD says “They are blessed for they are comforted”
No two sorrows are the same each has its own difference Realize what you can do for yourself Realize what god can do for you Realize god will offer real comfort Realize god gives us courage Realize god gives us a sense of calm Realize god gives us companionship Realize god gives us consideration Realize god gives us a new set of commitments “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted”
Be strong enough to be controlled Be emotionally stable enough to resist temptations Be educable enough to realize - you can’t do it alone Be kind enough to be sensitive, quiet, unselfish.
Remain cool Remain calm Remain corrected. “Blessed are the meek (humble), for they shall inherit the earth “ Example Jesus christ.
Stay committed to your righteousness (Honesty) even if they seem impossible Say “no” by saying “yes” and eliminate the negatives by sowing positives Satisfaction lies on what is hoped it would be Go for it – you might make it Go for it – it might happen Go for it – somebody may be helped by it Go for it – you may prosper out of it Go for it – you can help the poor Go for it – some day some will thank you.
Is the real expectations Is the real right thing to do Is the real satisfaction on achieving things “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be satisfied “
List out the ways you want other to treat you Start to treat others the way you have listed understand human values and need. Be merciful with them Understand “The measure you give will be the measure you get” “what ever the man sows, that will he also reap” If you give a little, you get a little back Give a lot, you get a lot back The law of proportionate return
Understand inabilities of human lives Understand poverty and starvation Understand human imbalance Understand natural imbalance Understand to show mercy “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain the mercy”.
Get your self “pure in Heart “ Wise up – believe the faith on god Clean up – wash your mistakes Give up – anything that may be hindering you Take up - the call to do something great. To become a believer -- let the faith flow free
The biggest wish of every human being The every day dream for all noblest The constant belief of a believer The chase for the destiny The end of life “ Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god”
Don’t be a silent spectator Dedicate yourself for a bridge building on breaches Let it starts from your soul Make an objective to become a true human Build a reputation Create a sense of your presence Be ready to perform the dangerous role play Understand love repairs the breach
Your attitude shouldn’t be “I don’t care what people say” Your attitude shouldn’t be “ I want to be popular at any price” Your attitude should be “ I will strive so to live that I shall build a reputation as a beautiful child of god” “Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called children of god”
Be prepared to accept the natural transformation Choose to believe that god can settle the score in his way Choose to believe that god can settle in his time Understand that you shall be blessed by knowing that the hurts can be turned into a circle of light Remain to live happy with positive mind
Remain positive Remain prepared Keep on doing right things Show mercy Trust god Pray for strength Pass phases Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
Turn our problems into opportunities Tackle our opportunities and succeed Dream great dreams and make them come true Switch from jealousy and self –pity to really caring Pick up the broken hopes and start over again See great possibilities in those unattractive people Become truly beautiful person. God will have the last word and it will be good