1 How Can I Be Happy And Peaceful In A Tormented World? You can't afford not to be!
2 Everything in our world is created by someone's thoughts and ideas, the negative and the positive. When we dwell on the negatives of life (war, drugs, hurt, chaos) we add more negative energy to an already negative situation – and we take on even more negative energies, into ourselves. This causes feelings of stress and unhappiness in our mind, body and soul. Do you want to feel stress or do you want to feel peace? When you see chaos in the world, what thoughts will help YOU feel better and thus help you and our world? Let's change negatives to positives!
3 The following are a few examples which may help you live a more peaceful life. 1. I have empathy for people who are hurting and for people who hurt others. A human being does not hurt others if he or she is coming from a place of love.
4 2. I have understanding* for others - all are living in accordance to their own awareness, which they have accepted from mass conscious thinking. (* Understanding is the lens in the eyes of love.) 3. I allow others their freedom to "be". I cannot control others, but I can control my self.
5 4. I will not stand back and blame others (i.e. the world) saying: "Oh well, what can I do?" This is an "I give up attitude or choice. With this choice we retain negative energy and then we wonder why we don't feel happy, peaceful and full of vitality. How can we, when we accept defeat and blame and hold onto them as if they were our true companions.
6 5. I let go of my negative companions defeat, sorrow, blame, hurt, and I make the choice to be different. I dare to be different! 6. I walk forward with power and wisdom shining the `light' of positive energy out to all. I'm free!
7 7. Yes, I have a positive need and that need is to recognize and expand that which I already have, within. i.e.: love, peace, abundance, light, wisdom, power etc. The values in life!
8 This change of attitude, through the power of choice, will bring me even more joy and positivity and will also benefit those around me. Our greatest responsibility is to make wise choices. Free yourself from the burdens of human life! Bring more `love light' into your reality!
9 TRUST I let go of worry fear and doubt These three things I can do without, Working in the midst of me Is God's perfect harmony. I trust that perfect power within To keep me safe when the light grows dim This hand of Truth I'll always hold Even when the world seems cold. I know this trust and faith will bring The light of joy to shine again!
12 Breathing Deeply and Fully Without breath, there is no life. Breath carries the life force. Even the plants breathe and thankfully for us since they exhale the oxygen that we inhale to live. Most people use only a third of their lung capacity which means many are living at only 30% capacity. When we are uptight, anxious or worried, we often breathe even less or may find ourselves actually holding our breath. Breathing deeply and fully is the foundation of a healthy body and spirit. Pranayama and kundalini yoga focus on the breath for self-empowerment and overcoming pain. Make a commitment to incorporate good breathing practice into your daily life. Relax, Breath Fully and Deeply Today!