Hazard Communication Program
l l Any hazardous waste defined by the Solid Waste Disposal Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and/or regulated by EPA. lTobacco or tobacco products. lWood or wood products. (raw lumber) lFood, drug, cosmetics, and alcoholic beverages for consumers. Exclusions From HAZCOM Standard
lFood, drugs, cosmetics and alcoholic beverages for personal consumption by employees. lAny consumer products used in the same manner as normal consumer use (for example Whiteout). lAny drug when it is solid, final form for direct administration to patients (e.g. pills). lLaboratory facilities (now covered under the laboratory standard 29 CFR ). Exclusions (con’t)
OSHA Hazard Communication Standard l Comprised Of 5 Components l One: A Written Program l Two: A Hazardous Chemical Inventory (HCI) l Three: Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) l Four: Labeling Of Containers l Five: Training Of Employees
1st Component Federal A Written Program 29 CFR This Document Informs Employers Of The Requirements For Local Programs
2nd Component Local A Hazardous Chemical Inventory (HCI) l Located In The Right To Know Stations (At The Unit Level) l It Will Be The First Thing You See When The Book Is Opened l Unit HAZMAT Officer Is Responsible For Compiling And Updating The Inventory Twice A Year l Notify HAZMAT Officer If You Find A Chemical Not On HCI
How Do I Identify Hazardous Products? l First Look At The Label l If You See Words Like Caution, Danger, Flammable, Harmful, Irritant Or Corrosive l Look At The Unit Hazardous Chemical Inventory l Talk With Your Unit HAZMAT Officer
l The MSDS is a document which describes the physical and chemical properties of products, their physical and health hazards, and precautions for safe handling and use. l A MSDS must be maintained for each hazardous chemical on the chemical inventory. Material Safety Data Sheets
l Regardless of the format, the HAZCOM Standard (29 CFR g) requires the following information : Chemical Identity Hazardous Ingredients Physical and Chemical Characteristics Physical Hazards Health Hazards Special Precautions Control Measures Emergency and First Aid Responsible Party Chemical Identity- -chemical, trade, and common name(s). Material Safety Data Sheets
Chemical Identity Hazardous Ingredients Physical and Chemical Characteristics Physical Hazards Health Hazards Special Precautions Control Measures Emergency and First Aid Responsible Party Hazardous Ingredients--all ingredients that are not carcinogens but are health or physical hazards and comprise 1% or more of the mixture must be listed; carcinogens must be listed if they are present in mixture at levels of 0.1% or greater; physical hazards must be listed. l Regardless of the format, the HAZCOM Standard (29 CFR g) requires the following information : Material Safety Data Sheets
Chemical Identity Hazardous Ingredients Physical and Chemical Characteristics Physical Hazards Health Hazards Special Precautions Control Measures Emergency and First Aid Responsible Party Physical and Chemical Characteristics--boiling and freezing points; density; vapor pressure; specific gravity; solubility; volatility; general appearance; and, odor. l Regardless of the format, the HAZCOM Standard (29 CFR g) requires the following information : Material Safety Data Sheets
Chemical Identity Hazardous Ingredients Physical and Chemical Characteristics Physical Hazards Health Hazards Special Precautions Control Measures Emergency and First Aid Responsible Party Physical Hazards--conditions under which product could ignite or explode; recommended extinguishing agents and fire fighting methods; chemical incompatibilities; and, decomposition products. l Regardless of the format, the HAZCOM Standard (29 CFR g) requires the following information : Material Safety Data Sheets
Chemical Identity Hazardous Ingredients Physical and Chemical Characteristics Physical Hazards Health Hazards Special Precautions Control Measures Emergency and First Aid Responsible Party Health Hazards--includes carcinogenicity, corrosives, toxicity, irritants, sensitizes, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, and target organ effects such as liver, kidney, nervous system, blood, lung, mucous membranes, reproductive, skin, and eye effects; route of entry; OSHA PEL; ACGIH TLV: and if compound listed as carcinogen by OSHA, NTP, or IARC. l Regardless of the format, the HAZCOM Standard (29 CFR g) requires the following information : Material Safety Data Sheets
Chemical Identity Hazardous Ingredients Physical and Chemical Characteristics Physical Hazards Health Hazards Special Precautions Control Measures Emergency and First Aid Responsible Party Special Precautions, Spill, Leak, and Cleanup Procedures--precautions for safe handling and use; industrial hygiene practices; precautions to be taken; during maintenance and repair of equipment; EPA waste disposal methods; and State and Local requirements. l Regardless of the format, the HAZCOM Standard (29 CFR g) requires the following information : Material Safety Data Sheets
Chemical Identity Hazardous Ingredients Physical and Chemical Characteristics Physical Hazards Health Hazards Special Precautions Control Measures Emergency and First Aid Responsible Party Control Measures-- engineering controls; safe handling procedures; and, personal protective equipment. l Regardless of the format, the HAZCOM Standard (29 CFR g) requires the following information : Material Safety Data Sheets
Chemical Identity Hazardous Ingredients Physical and Chemical Characteristics Physical Hazards Health Hazards Special Precautions Control Measures Emergency and First Aid Responsible Party Emergency and First Aid Procedures--actions to be taken in case of accidental overexposure. l Regardless of the format, the HAZCOM Standard (29 CFR g) requires the following information : Material Safety Data Sheets
Chemical Identity Hazardous Ingredients Physical and Chemical Characteristics Physical Hazards Health Hazards Special Precautions Control Measures Emergency and First Aid Responsible Party Responsible Party-- MSDS preparation date or date of last change; name; address and telephone number of responsible party preparing or distributing the MSDS. l Regardless of the format, the HAZCOM Standard (29 CFR g) requires the following information : Material Safety Data Sheets
4th Component Federal Labeling Of Containers l By Law Chemical Manufacturers Determine If A Chemical Is Hazardous And What Hazard The Chemical Presents l They Must Also Label All Hazardous Chemicals l Labels Must Have At Least The Following Information l The Product, Trade, Or Common Name As It Appears On The MSDS *
4th Component Local Labeling Of Containers Con’t l The Hazard The Product Presents l The Manufacturers Name And Address l All Containers Must Be Labeled When: * l The Product Is Used By More Than One Person l The Chemical Remains In The Work Area Longer Than One Work Shift l The Container Is Left Unsupervised
5th Component Federal Training Of Employees l Requires Training of Employees Prior To Working With Hazardous Chemicals l Requires Annual Training Of Employees Who Work With Hazardous Chemicals l Requires Training Of Employees When New Procedure Or Chemical Is Introduced Into The Work Area That Increases Hazard To Employees l Before Performing Non-routine Task (GI Party)
5th Component Local Training Of Employees l General Overview Of The Hazard Communication Program (Federal and Local) Once l Newcomers Briefing l Site Specific Training Annually Or l When A Process Or Equipment Change Results In Increased Chemical Exposure * l At The Unit Level By HAZMAT Officer
Back Brief l Who is the Eagle Team HAZMAT Officer? l What do you do if you have a chemical and don’t know the hazards associated with it? l What is an MSDS and where can you find them? –At the Nest? –At the Hangar?
CONCLUSION l Connex Considerations l Personal Field POL l Fines l Training l Questions or Comments