Universal Design
Low-wealth children engage in far less academic work By Oct. of first grade, a middle/high-SES child reads 12 words per reading session; a low-SES child reads 0 words By April, the middle/high-SES child reads 81 words; a low-SES child reads 32 words By the end of first grade, middle/high-SES have seen approximately 19,000 words; low-SES about 10,000 By the end of the sixth grade, a child of poverty would need to go to school an additional year-and-a-half to have the same academic experience
Demographics in Special Education RaceGeneral Special PopulationEducation White66.2%63.6% Black14.8%20.2% Hispanic14.8%13.2% Am. Indian1.0%1.3% Asian/Pacific 3.8%1.7%
What Universal Design Means In the world of architecture and building, adaptability is subtle, integrated into the design, and benefits everyone. A shift from thinking why we should make changes to accommodate a few people in wheelchairs to an appreciation of how much better things can be for all of us
Fundamental shifts in our ideas of teaching and learning Students with disabilities fall along a continuum of learner differences, just as other students do; Teachers should make adjustments for all students, not just those with disabilities; Curriculum materials should be as varied and diverse as the learning styles and needs in the classroom, rather than textbook-centered (currently possible with digital and on-line resources); Rather than trying to adjust the students to learn from a set curriculum, the curriculum should be flexible to accommodate a range of student differences.
Principles of Universal Design Principle 1: Equitable Use The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities
Equitable Use… Adjustable chairs
Inequitable use… Chairs in the room or office
Principles of Universal Design Principle 2: Flexibility in Use The design accommodates a wide range of individual preferences and abilities
Flexible in Use… Latch doorknob
Flexible in Use Push opener
Inflexible in Use… Round doorknob
Accessible for use Push door opener
Principles of Universal Design Principle Three: Simple and Intuitive Use Use of the design is easy to understand regardless of the user’s experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentration level
Principles of Universal Design Principle 4: Perceptible Information The design communicates necessary information effectively to the user, regardless of ambient conditions or the user's sensory abilities. round thermostat
Perceptible Information Fire alarm with strobe light
Perceptible Information ATM with large buttons
Principles of Universal Design Principle Five: Tolerance for Error The design minimizes hazards and the adverse consequences of accidental or unintended actions
Tolerance for Error…low? Bathroom entranceway
Tolerance for Error…high? Outside power door button for entry system
Tolerance for Error?? Let’s Look
Principles of Universal Design Principle Six: Low Physical Effort The design can be used efficiently and comfortably and with a minimum of fatigue. door handle
Principles of Universal Design Principle Seven: Size and Space for Approach and Use Appropriate size and space is provided for approach, reach, manipulation, and use regardless of user's body size, posture, or mobility. subway gate
Student-Placement Trends 50% of students with disabilities in gen. ed. 80% of the time or more 28% of student in gen. ed. 40%-79% of the time 19% of students in gen. ed.0-39% of the time 3% of students in residential facilities 0.7% of students in separate facility 0.5% of students in home/hospital
Characteristics of Inclusion Home-school placement Principle of natural proportions Restructuring teaching and learning Age-and grade-appropriate placements Eliminating the continuum of placements Increasing amount of time in general education Perspectives: parents, teachers, and students See Figure 2-7
Inclusion: Refer to Figure 2-7 What are your thoughts on this topic? Get into your discussion group and discuss What are the pros and cons for inclusion? If you were a parent of a child with a disability, what would you want? Which disability category would you see less likely to be included, and why? Which disability category would you see most likely to be included, and why?
Designing an IEP (see Figure 2-8) Determine supplementary aids Determine specially designed instruction Address life-skills content Specify related services