Information and advice Care Act 2014. Outline of content  Introduction Introduction  What the Act says: a duty on local authorities What the Act says:


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Presentation transcript:

Information and advice Care Act 2014

Outline of content  Introduction Introduction  What the Act says: a duty on local authorities What the Act says: a duty on local authorities  What information and advice needs to be provided? What information and advice needs to be provided?  Who needs information and advice and when do they need it? Who needs information and advice and when do they need it?  Proportionality and accessibility Proportionality and accessibility  How effective is information and advice? How effective is information and advice?  A strategic approach A strategic approach  Summary Summary

A vital component  Information and advice is fundamental to enabling people to take control of, and make well-informed choices about, their care and support and how they fund it  Not only does information and advice help to promote people’s wellbeing by increasing their ability to exercise choice and control, it is also a vital component of preventing or delaying people’s need for care and support  It is an essential building block of the Care Act reforms 3

What is information and advice? 4 Self-help information Websites, leaflets, NHS Choices etc No interaction Assisted information Telephone helplines, directories, libraries, one stop shops, CAB, charities, information centres, GPs, frontline staff etc Limited to moderate interaction Advice Telephone lines, information centres, one stop shops, CAB, support groups, carers centres, CIL, social workers, GPs, outreach staff/workers etc Moderate to high interaction Specialist advice and advocacy Independent financial advisers, legal help on complex matters in specific areas of law, independent advocates High interaction

Major problems with information and advice 1.The social care system is too complex and localised to comprehend 2. Decisions are typically taken in a crisis 3.There are problems with the quality and availability of information, advice and referral 4.The availability and quality of council information services and assessments is patchy 5.There is a lack of independent support for the assessment process 6.There is a lack of joined-up advice covering care and housing/benefits options 7.There is a lack of information about service availability and quality 8.There is a lack of signposting to financial advice Advice and information needs in adult social careAdvice and information needs in adult social care. Think Local, Act Personal

A duty on local authorities  Section 4 of the Care Act places a duty on local authorities to ensure the availability of information and advice services for all people in its area, regardless of whether or not they have eligible care needs  A wide definition including care and support related aspects of health, housing, benefits, and employment 6

Who provides information and advice?  Local authorities do not have to provide all elements of this service  They are expected to:  Understand, coordinate and make effective use of all the information and advice resources that are available  Think about how they are reaching out and joining up with other providers of information and advice to ensure the coherence of the overall ‘offer’  Signpost or refer people to relevant independent and impartial sources of information and advice 7

What needs to be provided?  Information about how the local care and support system works  How people can access care and support services  What types of care and support are available, and the choice of providers  Care and support related financial information and advice, including how to access independent financial advice  How to raise concerns about the safety or wellbeing of someone who has care and support needs 8

Financial information and advice  The local authority must provide financial information and advice, including:  understanding care charges  ways to pay  money management  As well as identifying those who may benefit from independent financial advice or information and help them to access it  Broader awareness raising about how care and support is funded 9

10 Who needs information and advice? People Wanting to plan for their future Subject to safeguarding concerns Who are family members or carers Who are assessed as being in need of care and support Who contact the local authority Who may develop care and support needs in the future In prison Transitioning to adulthood

Self funders  Self funders often not well served for information and advice by many councils in the past:  many do not seek help  while those that do find little information was offered and that signposting to other sources of support was a negative experience 11 The Barriers to Choice Review

When do they need it?  On contact with the care and support system  Targeted at key ‘trigger points’ in people’s lives 12

Proportionality 13 Complexity of issues Methodology and timing Volume of information

Accessibility  Information and advice must be open to everyone who would benefit from it. They authority should ensure that:  There are a range of delivery mechanisms that are accurate and up-to-date  Staff are aware of accessibility issues and appropriately trained  Websites meet accessibility standards  Printed materials are clear and in plain English  Materials are adapted as necessary e.g. easy read versions and translations  Help from independent person is available to help people access information and advice 14

Supporting a person’s involvement 15  Duty to arrange for independent advocate Is there an ‘appropriate individual’ – a carer, friend or relative – that can facilitate their involvement?  Agree ‘appropriate individual’  Provide support and make adjustments Yes No Might this person have difficulty in being involved? Can they be better supported to enable their involvement? [Reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010] Yes Do they still have ‘substantial difficulty’ inbeing involved? Yes

How effective is information and advice? “Information and advice should only be judged as clear if it is understood and able to be acted upon by the individual receiving it.”  Local authorities will need to check that information and advice is understood and able to be acted upon:  Check understanding  Check impact 16 “I couldn’t find any information on local services. I just got gobbledegook from the phone.”

A strategic approach to information and advice 17 Develop and implement a strategy/ plan Co- production Mapping Co- ordination Impact

Information and advice principles 1.Involve people who use services and carers in determining what is needed and how it is provided 2.Be available at the right time for people who need it, in a range of accessible formats and through a range of channels 3.Meet the needs of everyone in the community served 4.Be clear, comprehensive and impartial 5.Be consistent, accurate and up-to-date 6.Meet quality standards 7.Be based on a detailed analysis of the needs of the local population 8.Be commissioned in tandem with other relevant support and advocacy services 9.Avoid reinventing the wheel 10.Signpost people to sources of further information 11.Be used to inform future planning 18 Principles for the provision of information and advice Principles for the provision of information and advice (TLAP 2013)

Summary  Information should be available to all, regardless of how their care is paid for  Good quality, easily accessible information will help people to make good decisions about the care and support they need  Local authorities have a key role in ensuring good quality advice is available locally and for sign posting people to independent advice  Information and advice needs to be targeted at key ‘trigger’ points in people’s lives  Information and advice should be accessible and proportionate 19