Lesson 20 – Seeking Genuine… Finding Counterfeit – Living Wisely in a World of Vanity Brian K. Davis February 8, 2012 Seeking Answers A Study in Ecclesiastes
Overview of Chapter 9 From Chapter 8 – Use Wisdom in the Work of Solving the Problems of Life Work Regardless of the Similar Event of the Godly and the Ungodly (v1-10) Work with the Awareness that God Will Control the Final Outcomes (v11-12) Wisdom is Declared to be the Greatest Guide in Our Work (v13 – 18)
Work Regardless of the Similar Event of the Godly and the Ungodly (v1-4) All Mankind Has the Same Earthly Fate – Based on what man observes in life, he cannot conclude is he loved or hated The blessings and curses of nature fall upon man with discriminating the good from evil - Consider Matt. 5:45 Death is another event in life – but the events that happen in life occur to both the good, clean and unclean… Life is full of hope for the living; contrast the living dog vs. the dead lion In Ecclesiastes 4:2 death is viewed in relationship to enduring oppression and 7:1 judges the day of death in it benefits to men
Work Regardless of the Similar Event of the Godly and the Ungodly (v5-10) Death is the end of man’s ability to participate in life under the sun and his love, hate and envy are perished; and Man’s fate is sealed We are all terminal - What should be our proper response to the certainty of death? 1.Man should enjoy life as he has opportunity! Minor chord: 2:10; 3:12:13, 22; 5:18-20; 8:15 2.Live with joy, purity, happiness and cheerfulness – white garments and the head lacks no ointment 3.Enjoy your family life – this is a gift from God! 4.Work hard – Work is often seen as a curse, but it is a blessing that allows us to provide for others – Consider Ephesians 4:28 Ephesians 4:28: Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.
Work with the Awareness that God Will Control the Final Outcomes (v 11-12) Solomon continues his observations in life under the sun and he notes the following 5 things: 1.The race is not always won by the fastest runner 2. Strongest army do not always win the battle 3. Wisest man does not always have bread to eat 4. Man of understanding is not always rich 5. Men of skill do not always have the favor of men Life under the sun is inconsistent with what one thinks will happen – time and chance (not luck, but unfortunate experience) happens to us all! – Consider James 4:15 Man does not always know what lies immediately ahead of him – like a fish taken in a net or bird caught in a snare – Unplanned events of life fall suddenly upon him and catch him unexpectedly James 4:14 – 15 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.”
Wisdom is Declared to be the Greatest Guide in Our Work (v13 – 18) Solomon again points to the superiority of wisdom: He see a city under siege A poor man counsels the king and delivers the city After it is over, no one remembers or appreciates the wisdom of the poor man – wisest man does not have bread to eat! Sometimes wisdom goes unrewarded It is superior to strength, even when wisdom is despised and ignored Words of wisdom in quietness are better than the crying rage of fools Wisdom is better than weapons of war “one sinner destroys much good” – The good which wisdom might counsel can be destroyed by one worthless sinner. This should be a reminder to all of us of the wide reaching effects of one sinner