Experimental Methods Experimental Methods Seven healthy control and sixteen patients with rotator cuff disease (6), proximal humerus fracture (3), instability (3) and capsulitis (2) underwent measurements with embedded accelerometers and gyroscopes (10♂, 6♀, 56 ± 8.9 y.o., 15 right-handed, 13 dominant side involved). Participants performed two movements (hand to the back, change a bulb) 5x alternatively on each side. Kinematic score corresponds to pathological/healthy ratio of movement power [1]. Two evaluators performed measurements twice alternatively. Mean, standard deviation (SD), standard error of difference, intra- and inter-evaluator intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were calculated for 3 and 5 replications. Reliability of a kinematic functional shoulder score including only two movements C Pichonnaz [1;2] ; JP Bassin [1] ; G Christe [1] ; C Duc [3] ; A Djahangiri [2] ; A Farron [2] [1] Hecvsante, CHUV-UNIL [2], LMAM-EPFL [3], Lausanne Switzerland Results and Discussion Results and Discussion Population score for mean of 3 replications was 68.5% SD ± for patients and 106.4% SD ± for controls. Difference between the two groups was significant (p<0.01) regardless of repetition number. Difference in means for 3 vs. 5 replications was ≤ 1.5% with standard error ≤ ± 2.01 Intra- and inter-evaluator ICC were respectively 0.91 and 0.90 for mean of 3 replications, and 0.93 and 0.94 for mean of five replications.. References References Look at the references and contactreferencescontact Kinematic functional evaluation with embedded sensors provides discriminative and responsive scores after shoulder surgery. However, completion is too complex for routine clinical application [1,2,3]. Therefore, a kinematic score including only two arm movements has been developed [4]. The aim of the study was to evaluate the reliability of this score as a function of repetition number. Introduction Introduction Click here to watch ! Conclusion Conclusion Population means and SD vary little when 3 or 5 replications are performed. The score discriminates healthy and pathological participants regardless of repetition numbers. Intra- and inter-evaluator reproducibility were excellent for 3 and 5 replications. Thus, 3 replications of two selected arm functional movements are sufficient to obtain a simple and reliable shoulder function score.
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References 1.Coley, B Shoulder function and outcome evaluation after surgery using 3D inertial sensors, Doctorate ès Sciences, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne 2.Coley, B., Jolles, B. M., Farron, A., Bourgeois, A., Nussbaumer, F., Pichonnaz, C. and Aminian, K Outcome evaluation in shoulder surgery using 3D kinematics sensors. Gait & Posture, 25 (4), pp Jolles, B., Duc, C., Coley, B.,Aminian, K., Pichonnaz, C., Bassin, J. P., Farron, A. Objective evaluation of shoulder function using body fixed sensors: a new way to detect early treatment failures? Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (accepted) 4.Pichonnaz, C., 2010, Development of a kinematic functional shoulder test including only essential movements, MSc Thesis, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh Back to first page
Contact Claude Pichonnaz HESAV, 1011 Lausanne Switzerland ++41 (0) Back to first page