Www.themaritimealliance.org “Marine Spatial Planning & Promoting Sustainable Development in the Oceans” 5 th annual Blue Tech & Blue Economy Summit San.


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Presentation transcript:

“Marine Spatial Planning & Promoting Sustainable Development in the Oceans” 5 th annual Blue Tech & Blue Economy Summit San Diego Nov. 7-8, 2013_____________________________________________ Michael B. Jones – President Michael B. Jones – President

November 7, WELCOME TO THE ONE OF THE LEADING BLUE TECH CENTERS IN THE WORLD! We look forward to sharing ideas with you!

November 7, General comments: 1.Thanks to our speakers & panelists for being with us to share their insights 2.Thanks to our Sponsor and Exhibitors – without you, we could not be “Helping the Blue Economy” 2.Please put phones on Mute and Vibrate 3.Multiple breaks to permit interaction with the exhibitors. Food and drink will be presented among the exhibitors: 4.Bathrooms are: 5.Gala Dinner this evening by TMA Foundation

November 7, Some advice on how to best benefit from this Summit: 1.We are here to “Promote Blue Tech & Sustainable Blue Jobs” 2.This is a Networking Event (not a Trade Show) and we are Networking organization 2.Speak with everyone regardless of whether they are “in your sector” of expertise – creativity is “at the friction points” 3.Exhibitors should sit in on panels…and panelists/speakers should visit with the exhibitors 4.Exhibitors should explore ways to collaborate 5.Talk to us about how we can help!

November 7, Introduction of Chairman Greg Cox – SD County Board of Supervisors Greg Cox has been a member of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors since Supervisor Cox has been a longtime supporter of the working waterfront and maritime industry and has called for development of our “Blue Economy” to create more jobs and economic opportunities in our maritime industry. He has advocated to make San Diego County a leader in Marine Spatial Planning to better plan for the future of the oceans off San Diego county. On September 9, 2013, Chairman Cox was appointed to serve as one of 12 members on the California Coastal Commission.

Ocean Observation to Marine Spatial Planning Integrated Ocean Data Physical Geological Chemical Biological Human Legal Mandates Laws Agreements Interstate/country Economic Working waterfronts Blue Sectors Employment Societal Community Economic November 7, Area Decision Making Baseline Aquaculture & Fishing Biomedicine Boat & Shipbuilding Cables & Connectors Defense & Security Desalination & Water Treatment Marine Recreation Energy & Minerals Observation & Science Ports & Marine Transportation Robotics & Submarines Telecommunications Very Large Floating Platforms Weather & Climate Science Permits an Informed MSP Process Ocean Observation Data + Mapping Across Multiple Blue Economy Sectors

November 7, Introduction of Zdenka Willis – Director of U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) Program at NOAA Zdenka is a member of the Senior Executive Service. U.S. IOOS enables decisions every day and fosters advances in ocean science and technology. Prior to being the Director of U.S. IOOS Program, Ms. Willis served as Director of NOAA’s National Oceanographic Data Center. Ms. Willis is a retired Navy Captain with career service as a Meteorology and Oceanography officer in the United States Navy. Among other positions, she was Director of the National Ice Center and Deputy Navigator of the Navy. IOOS has recently commissioned a study on the economic impact of ocean observation which The Maritime Alliance is participating in.

November 7, Introduction of Daniel J. Basta – Director of Office of National Marine Sanctuaries at NOAA In January 2001, Dan was named Director in January 2001 of the NOAA office responsible for preserving the natural, historical and cultural marine resources in the 13 national marine sanctuaries including the world’s largest protected area. He has led a dramatic increase in the sanctuary system’s role in marine conservation in the U.S. Dan continues to build partnerships with public-private organizations, industries, and academia throughout the U.S. and internationally. Under his leadership, the sanctuary system has gained global acclaim worldwide for its innovative approaches. Dan is a problem-solver, a prolific author and a leader.

November 7, Introduction of Margaret Leinen, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor for Marine Sciences, Director of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and Dean of the School of Marine Sciences Dr. Leinen is a highly distinguished, award-winning oceanographer and an accomplished executive with extensive national and international experience in ocean science, global climate and environmental issues, federal research administration, and non-profit startups. Prior to joining in October 2013, Dr. Leinen served 7 years at the National Science Foundation (NSF) as Assistant Director for Geosciences and Coordinator of Environmental Research and Education. She oversaw a budget of $700 million, led government-wide planning for climate research, and co-led government planning for ocean research.