Regional Center Services
All services and supports funded by RC are intended to achieve certain functions, these include: Lessening the effects of the developmental disability, Lessening the effects of the developmental disability, Enabling a client to have a normal, independent, and productive life, and Enabling a client to have a normal, independent, and productive life, and To enable a client to learn new skills in an appropriate way. To enable a client to learn new skills in an appropriate way.
The Lanterman Act lists several, non-exhaustive categories of available services. These include: Assessment services Assessment services Habilitation and training Habilitation and training Treatment and therapy Treatment and therapy Preventive services Preventive services Living arrangements Living arrangements Community integration Community integration Employment/Day Programs Employment/Day Programs Family Support Services Family Support Services Relationship Services Relationship Services Emergency and Crisis Intervention Emergency and Crisis Intervention Specialized Equipment Specialized Equipment Transportation Services Transportation Services Facilitation Services Facilitation Services Self-Advocacy Self-Advocacy Advocacy Advocacy
Each RC has Purchase of Service (POS) policies. These policies determine the types and amounts of services RC will fund. But, RC can’t rely on a POS policy that violates the Lanterman Act entitlement to necessary services and supports. Watch out for policies that put arbitrary limits on the duration or frequency of a service. That should be determined on an individual basis in the IPP. POS are guidelines for purchasing services and supports. POS are guidelines for purchasing services and supports. The POS policies explain the requirements for receiving services. The POS policies explain the requirements for receiving services. These policies vary from regional center to regional center. These policies vary from regional center to regional center. RC’s must be cost-effective in the services and supports they purchase. RC’s must be cost-effective in the services and supports they purchase.
RC services and supports are free of charge regardless of income with certain exceptions. All services must be free of charge regardless of income except for a portion of 24 hour out of home care for minors and those services listed in the Family Cost Participation Program (FCPP). All services must be free of charge regardless of income except for a portion of 24 hour out of home care for minors and those services listed in the Family Cost Participation Program (FCPP). The FCPP became effective on 01/01/05. It outlines procedures for a share of cost for day care, respite, and camping for children between the ages of 3 and 17 who do not receive Medi-Cal. Use the calculator to determine the share of cost the family is responsible for. The FCPP became effective on 01/01/05. It outlines procedures for a share of cost for day care, respite, and camping for children between the ages of 3 and 17 who do not receive Medi-Cal. Use the calculator to determine the share of cost the family is responsible for
To secure a service from the RC you must request it in an IPP. At the IPP, discuss the a goal that the services or support will meet. For example, Jonny’s goal is to be more integrated into the community and be able to go places like the mall and the park to socialize and engage in recreation. To achieve that goal, Jonny needs a modification to his van. See htm At the IPP, discuss the a goal that the services or support will meet. For example, Jonny’s goal is to be more integrated into the community and be able to go places like the mall and the park to socialize and engage in recreation. To achieve that goal, Jonny needs a modification to his van. See htmhttp:// htmhttp:// htm For respite services see the RC Respite Hearing Packet. For respite services see the RC Respite Hearing Packet.
Supported Living Services (SLS) are available to client who want to live independently but need assistance to do so. Some RC’s try to put up barriers to stop clients from living independently and many clients aren’t aware of the range of available services to make that dream a reality. Explain SLS in a way that your client understands - Some RC’s try to put up barriers to stop clients from living independently and many clients aren’t aware of the range of available services to make that dream a reality. Explain SLS in a way that your client understands RC cannot say that cost caps prevent them for setting up an SLS program. RC cannot say that cost caps prevent them for setting up an SLS program. Investigate different programs before you choose one. Investigate different programs before you choose one.
Some other available services to consider for adult clients are: Supported employment – explain how RC can help your clients get jobs. See Supported employment – explain how RC can help your clients get jobs. See Jobs through the Department of Rehabilitation. These include sheltered workshops. Jobs through the Department of Rehabilitation. These include sheltered workshops Day Programs - Day Programs To compare services through DOR and RC see To compare services through DOR and RC see
Some services to consider for minor clients are: Day Care – RC can help families find and pay for specialized daycare while the parents work or go to school. Day Care – RC can help families find and pay for specialized daycare while the parents work or go to school. Summer Camp and other social recreational activities. Some have a share of cost under FCPP. Summer Camp and other social recreational activities. Some have a share of cost under FCPP. Respite – See Respite Presentation. Respite – See Respite Presentation.