Session 6 ATS policy development Preventing Amphetamine-Type-Stimulant (ATS) Use Among Young People A UNODC Training Workshop
Preventing ATS use among youth A UNODC Training Workshop A comprehensive ATS use prevention plan A comprehensive plan should give attention to both ‘universal’ and ‘selective’ targets: Universal prevention targets the whole population without regard to their level of risk or their use of substances. Selective prevention targets young people who, due to their circumstances, are viewed to be at heightened risk, regardless of whether they use substances currently or not.
Preventing ATS use among youth A UNODC Training Workshop Elements of an ATS prevention plan (1) ATS-specific activities should be embedded in broader substance abuse prevention and youth development activities/ strategies. A comprehensive approach could include: Preventing alcohol and tobacco use through evidence-based policies and programming. Inserting universal ATS-specific drug education at the appropriate point in the school curriculum. Identifying credible vehicles in the community for delivering ATS-specific information & messages.
Preventing ATS use among youth A UNODC Training Workshop Elements of an ATS prevention plan (2) Providing a range of positive alternative activities accessible to all children and youth. Employing policy-based or environmental approaches where possible (e.g. in schools/ dance venues). Ensuring that the community is giving attention to services that build protective factors for vulnerable youth. Considering a balance between messages for the prevention of the negative health/ social consequences of drug use and preventive ‘it’s ok not to use’ messages in populations that contain a mix of users and non-users.
Preventing ATS use among youth A UNODC Training Workshop Good prevention is ATS prevention Risk and protective factors for ATS use are the same as for other kinds of substance abuse. The menu of policies and activities to choose from is therefore the same. In the end, what is important is to put in practice what is already known to be good practice in substance abuse prevention.
Preventing ATS use among youth A UNODC Training Workshop Comprehensive, community based and consistent prevention Substance abuse is linked to a range of risk & protective factors. You need to address them with a range of activities involving a range of sectors in the community. Different activities in different settings send the same message and reinforce each other.
Preventing ATS use among youth A UNODC Training Workshop Youth centred prevention Young people know best what they are interested in and who they will listen to. Involving the young people who will be the actual beneficiaries of activities in the development and implementation of activities ensures that activities are relevant. Preventing ATS use among youth Workshop for policy makers
Preventing ATS use among youth A UNODC Training Workshop Prevention that is both based on and contributing to knowledge Based on a participatory needs assessment to identify the relevant risk/protective factors. Based on evidence of what works and what doesn’t work (good practices) in addressing risk/protective factors. Including strong monitoring and evaluation.
Preventing ATS use among youth A UNODC Training Workshop Continuous prevention Start targeting young people before they start to use substances. Continue through adolescence and young adulthood with different activities according to the different developmental (age) stage of the young people. One-off events are not effective. Activities need to work with a target group often AND over a period of time.
Thank YOU and good luck!