1UKSG 2010 - ISSN-L presentation The ISSN-L : managing serials titles independently of media versions.


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Presentation transcript:

1UKSG ISSN-L presentation The ISSN-L : managing serials titles independently of media versions

2UKSG ISSN-L presentation The ISSN: a reminder – 1,500,000 ISSN assigned so far – Available in the « ISSN Register » – An international network of 86 National Centres – Coordinated by the ISSN International Centre (Paris)

3UKSG ISSN-L presentation The ISSN-L : its origin – The ISSN-L concept was the fruit of the revision of the ISSN ISO standard, revised in 2007 – Two families of users with contradicting but strongly expressed needs…

4UKSG ISSN-L presentation The ISSN/ISSN-L philosophy Two diverging needs : Product identification (ISSN) distinct ISSN for the distinct editions of a given continuing resource Separate ISSN for the various media versions of a resource Contents identification (ISSN-L) group, or collocate, the various media versions One and only one identifier (Unique ISSN-L for the various media versions)

5UKSG ISSN-L presentation What is the ISSN-L? An existing ISSN, designated to function as ISSN-L Common to the various media versions of a resource – Dance research (Print) = ISSN ISSN-L – Dance research (Online) = ISSN ISSN-L

6UKSG ISSN-L presentation Designation of ISSN-L From among the different ISSN assigned to the different media versions of a continuing resource Automatically in the ISSN Register Or by the ISSN Centres

7UKSG ISSN-L presentation Retrospective designation Entire “ISSN Register” has been populated with ISSN-L All resources have an ISSN-L whether published in one medium or more Both ceased and current resources have ISSN-L

8UKSG ISSN-L presentation How are ISSN-L designated? The first ISSN assigned in the ISSN Register to any medium version of a continuing resource On the basis of linking fields (776 in MARC 21 or 452 in UNIMARC) Designated by default to function as the ISSN-L Applies to all other medium versions in the Register at the time of designation or added in the future

9UKSG ISSN-L presentation Is there a way to determine the ISSN-L from the medium specific ISSN? Short answer : No ISSN have no inherent meaning Which medium version record will enter the ISSN Register first and become the linking ISSN cannot be predicted Different medium versions can be published in different countries

10UKSG ISSN-L presentation Examples of ISSN-L Continuing resource in only one medium form – Algorithms for molecular biology = ISSN » ISSN-L Continuing resources in two medium forms – 40 ans! (Imprimé) = ISSN – 40 ans! (En ligne) = ISSN » ISSN-L Continuing resources in three medium forms – Plant varieties journal (Ottawa, Print) = ISSN – Plant varieties journal (Ottawa, Online) = ISSN – Plant varieties journal (Ottawa, CD-ROM) = ISSN » ISSN-L

11UKSG ISSN-L presentation Recording of ISSN-L A new data element in UNIMARC Field 011 subfield f = ISSN-L Made-up examples: 011 $a $f $a $f A new data element in MARC 21 Field 022 subfield l = ISSN-L Made-up examples: 022 $a $l $a $l

12UKSG ISSN-L presentation Title changes If all titles of the medium versions change at the same time, new medium specific ISSN are assigned and therefore a new ISSN-L is designated In the other cases the ISSN-L remains unchanged

13UKSG ISSN-L presentation Where is ISSN-L data available (1)? On the ISSN Web site –Matching tables ISSN to ISSN-L ISSN-L to ISSN –Downloadable, free of charge! –Please fill in the form…

14 Where is ISSN-L data available (2) ? In the ISSN Register –All ISSN records, all ISSN products Raw data files Subscription: On the resources themselves Recommendation for printing and displaying ISSN-L in the ISO Standard Example : ISSN-L UKSG ISSN-L presentation

15 Where is ISSN-L data available ? Matching table (.txt) ISSN ISSN-L X X X X UKSG ISSN-L presentation

16 Possible uses of ISSN-L OpenURL resolution regardless of multiple ISSN for different manifestations Collocation in ERMS OPAC searching, so as to retrieve all manifestations All situations where identification without regard to medium is desired UKSG ISSN-L presentation

17 ISSN-L used in Open URL Typically an Open URL resolver attempts through its knowledge base to display potential locations If the submitted ISSN is « print » and the stored ISSN is « online », resolution failure is possible ISSN/ISSN-L matching tables can help to solve the issue within the knowledge base… UKSG ISSN-L presentation

18 ISSN-L implementation OCLC (Worldcat) is adding ISSN-L data to its records The PEPRS project (Piloting an E-journals Preservation Project) is internally using the ISSN-L as a matching key UKSG ISSN-L presentation

19 For more information : Please contact : - Pierre GODEFROY, Project Manager – François-Xavier PELEGRIN, Bibliographic Section – Simona RIZZA, Sales Departement UKSG ISSN-L presentation