Bridge for Beginners Lesson 10 Starting to Compete
Homework – Hand 1 KK KK K Q AA KK 44 44 AA QQ 9 TT 77 33 22 JJ 1 1 3NT 1111 22 J 8 77 66 TT 88 33 6 3 DEALER: N
Homework – Hand 2 QQ AA 6 4 99 22 77 KK JJ A AA TT 66 JJ 77 88 55 1111 2222 1111 1111P 55 3 33 KK 55 44 22 2 44 DEALER: S
Homework – Hand 3 AA AA K Q 55 KK 88 A AA 88 66 TT 33 99 44 1111 112NT 4 4 44 J 5 3 QQ TT 77 66 22 7 6 DEALER: N
Homework – Hand 4 KK 33 T 7 AA KK 66 JJ QQ QQ A QQ 55 44 JJ 22223NT 1111 77 55 77 66 22 22 K Q J 55 DEALER: S
Homework – Hand 5 AA AA A K JJ 44 QQ 77 KK 9 QQ TT 77 55 JJ 33 11 3 3 44 T 7 JJ TT 44 22 DEALER: N 4 33 6 5
Homework – Hand 6 66 A QQ JJ TT 44 KK TT K AA KK 88 55 66 22 4444 1111 33 77 3 2 33 44 DEALER: S 66 44 22 Q 7
Homework – Hand 7 KK KK A 5 AA 99 QQ AA QQ J 88 66 55 77 TT 55 22 1111 3333 1111 5555 44 3 TT 66 DEALER: N JJ 44 33 22 4
Homework – Hand 8 55 99 3 66 44 33 44 KK KK A JJ 77 55 JJ TT 66 22221NTP 22 33 88 66 DEALER: S 77 55 33 22 2 44
Starting to Compete We have looked at Basic Bidding In NT and in Suits But the Auctions have been uncontested Opponents have not got in the way Its not like that in reality You would like to upset the opponents bidding by bidding yourself Opponents will want to overcall to make it difficult for you
Overcalling An overcall is where one side bids after the opponents have bid To make an overcall your hand must satisfy some basic rules Otherwise it becomes far too expensive when opponents double you.
Overcalling To overcall you need: 5+ cards in the suit – NOT 4!! About 10+ HCP But less HCP with longer suits A Re-bid if partner bids another suit Do not overcall opponents suit Just Pass smoothly
Example 1 Opponents open 1 Opponents open 1 You have 12 HCP A 5 card suit - ’s A 5 card suit - ’s Another suit to re-bid So overcall 1 So overcall 1 QQ TT K AA QQ 99 JJ 77 55 77 66 3 2
Example 2 Opponents open 1 Opponents open 1 You have 10 HCP A 6 card suit - ’s A 6 card suit - ’s You can re-bid ’s if necessary showing 6 cards You can re-bid ’s if necessary showing 6 cards So overcall 1 So overcall 1 QQ TT 7 AA QQ JJ JJ 77 77 66 3 2 44
Example 3 Opponents open 1 Opponents open 1 You have 12 HCP A 5 card suit - ’s A 5 card suit - ’s But there is no re-bid So Pass QQ QQ 7 AA QQ JJ JJ 77 77 66 3 2 TT
Example 4 Opponents open 1 Opponents open 1 You have 15 HCP No 5 card suit Good defensive hand So Pass smoothly QQ 7 AA QQ JJ JJ 77 77 3 2 QQ TT K
Example 5 Opponents open 1 Opponents open 1 You have 13 HCP Two 5 card suits If you can find a fit you have a game going hand So overcall 1 So overcall 1 QQ 7 AA QQ JJ JJ 77 77 3 2 66 22 KK
Example 6 Opponents open 1 Opponents open 1 You have 18 HCP Two 5 card suits Strong hand With 17 + HCP jump shift So overcall 2 So overcall 2 QQ K AA QQ JJ JJ 77 77 Q 6 66 22 KK
Example 7 Opponents open 1 Opponents open 1 You have 18 HCP No 5 card suit Strong balanced hand With HCP Balanced hand 2+ stops in their suit You should overcall 1NT K AA JJ 77 77 Q 6 66 22 KK KK QQ TT
Example 8 LH Opponent opens 1 LH Opponent opens 1 Your partner and RHO Pass You have 13 HCP No 5 card suit In 4 th seat and last to bid With HCP Balanced hand A stop in their suit Protective overcall 1NT K AA JJ 77 77 Q 6 66 22 TT KK 99 88
Responding to Partner’s Overcall If partner overcalls with 1NT in 2 nd seat He has ? HCP Responses are similar to if partner had opened 1NT But as the overcall is stronger You can support when weaker
Responding example 1 LHO has opened 1 LHO has opened 1 Partner overcalls 1NT RHO Passes With < 6 HCP And a 5 card suit Weakness take out So bid 2 So bid 2 J JJ 88 99 77 8 6 66 TT QQ 99 88 33
Responding example 2 LHO has opened 1 LHO has opened 1 Partner overcalls 1NT RHO Passes With 6-8 HCP And balanced Bid 2NT Partner will go to 3NT with 18 or 19 HCP J JJ 88 99 77 8 6 66 TT QQ 99 88 KK
Responding example 3 LHO has opened 1 LHO has opened 1 Partner overcalls 1NT RHO Passes With 9+ HCP And balanced Bid 3NT J JJ 88 99 77 8 6 TT QQ 99 88 KK QQ
Responding example 4 LHO has opened 1 LHO has opened 1 Partner overcalls 1NT RHO Passes With 6-8 HCP And 5 card major Bid 3 of the major Invitational Partner can Pass or bid game J JJ 88 99 77 8 6 TT 99 KK QQ 66 33
Responding example 5 LHO has opened 1 LHO has opened 1 Partner overcalls 1NT RHO Passes With 9+ HCP And 5 card major Bid 4 of the major Accept slight risk of 5/2 fit J JJ 88 99 77 8 6 TT 99 KK QQ 66 KK
Responding to NT overcall Remember the 4 th seat 1NT Overcall Is the same as an opening bid So responses are as you already know You should respond As if partner had opened 1NT
Partner Overcalls in a Suit Partner has at least 5 cards in the suit So you can support with 3 Partner may be fairly weak So bid conservatively first round And only bid on if partner shows strength If you are weakish your objective is to push opponents to bid 3 of their suit Which is often 1 too many!
Competitive Bidding This has been an introduction If in doubt get stuck in and bid But stick to the rules NEVER overcall in a suit with less than 5 If partner overcalls and you have 4 cards in the suit Support in the auction up to the 3 level Regardless of HCP!!