Presentation of RYE Online Integrated Processing System RYE 線上作業系統介紹 2014 RYEMT Annual Conference 李啟銘 PDG Jimmy
This system is offered to all certified Rotary districts world wide to be used free of cost
Rotary Youth Exchange Multidistrict Taiwan Map & Historical data YearCountriesOutIn 2006 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In eight years Number of exchange students both inbound and outbound has increased by more than 4 times Yet we did not increase any man power. Debbie Lee has been the only secretary in our multi district so far. Because we are using this system
Who will use this system Students - Fill up Application Form Sponsor and host clubs – to process the application Sponsor and host districts - to further process the application For multidistrict – to eliminate the complicated process of multi district processing work. The “Matrix” in the system works automatically for the multidistrict final stage of work.
System Merits 1.Reduced costs – no mailing, no waiting time. 2.Reduced or completely eliminated use of hard copy on paper. 3.Immediate access to the data by authorized persons simultaneously, regardless of locations. 4.Easy to make final report for different purposes, such as report to R. I. at the end of the year. 5.Easy to keep historical data.
Very easy to use
Identity, input ID and password, log in.
How you can learn to use this system Tutorial videos are provided for following people to use: – Applicants (Students) – District Officers – Club Officers – Multi District Officers
Set Ups needed ID*MD** 1. Passwords for Rotary Clubs ● ● 2. Partner exchange districts and number of exchanges ● ● 3. Passwords for MD officials and authority to access × ● *ID – Individual District ** MD – Multi District
MD- password & access control
Applicants fill up and submit Application Form On Line
Step 1. Applicant fills up basic data
Step 2. System feedbacks to check for password
Step 3. Applicant signs in with password provided by system
Step 4. Fills up each detail as requested
Step 5. Fills up Country Preference Checklist
Step 6. Click Go to Application Form to see details keyed in transferred to actual Application Form
On-line Processing at District level
District Processing Applications
Outbound status
Inbound Status
On-line Processing at Multi District level
Multi District – Outbound Status
Multi District – Inbound Status
MATRIX Guide on distribution or allocation of available placements to the districts in the multi district organization
Outbound Coordinator Sets up initial Matrix (matching of prospective available and required placements)
Changes to Matrix 1.Districts increase or decrease requirements 2.Correspondents increase or decrease available placements
Matrix as revised from beginning of January. Numbers in Total + Bank is accessed from Correspondent’s DATA ENTRY; and Total according to District’s requirements.
Assign Country
For those who are interested, please write to Alyce Shao, Assistant to PDG Jimmy Lee: