Commander Roster, Finances, Vision/Strategy Treasurer Finances Recorder Roster
Beginning of Semester Update member information Update officers Before & After Candidate Ceremony Candidate Registration & Approval Before & After Initiation Initiation Approval Expulsions & Resignations
Commander’s Officer Resource Page Members Area Instructions Update Roster Update Officers Verify Candidates Verify Initiates
Members Area
Pays for all risk-reduction services and educational programs 60% of annual assessment billed in fall 2 installments – due October 1 st and November 1 st 40% billed in spring 1 installment – due February 1 st Invoiced amounts based on total membership from previous semester and chapter’s risk management tier Tier Levels – premiums set by tiers, based on recent chapter disciplinary record
Helps to pay for multiple services and programs provided by the General Fraternity $62.50 per initiated member, per semester Invoiced amount is based on the updated membership information provided by the chapter via the Members Area Per The Law, membership information update must be completed twice per year on September 15 th and January 15 th, or 15 days from the start of each semester, whichever is later
Covers the registration fee, representative materials, and lodging of chapter representatives to Grand Chapter and College of Chapters Billed in four equal installments during the academic year. Fall ($1,250.00) – two installments of $625.00, due on September 15 th and October 15 th Spring ($1,250.00) – two installments of $625.00; due on March 1 st and April 1 st
New member fee that is paid immediately after acceptance of bid and registering on Members Area as a candidate $90.00 – to be paid prior to participating in Candidate Ceremony If not paid online, at time of candidate registration, then fee will be invoiced to the collegiate chapter
New member fee that is paid immediately after completion of candidate education program, but prior to participation in Initiation Ceremony $ If not paid online, via Members Area, by individual, then fee will be invoiced to the chapter
Submitted by every officer responsible for an area of chapter operations Should be inclusive of all expenses and any potential income from events Officers cannot submit accurate requests unless they understand the chapter’s vision, strategy, and goals
Functional Costs – typically consist of all expenses included in officer budget requests Operational Costs – typically do not alter per member, regardless of the size of membership Examples: IFC Dues Conclave Fee Initiate Dues Risk Management Assessment
Revenue = Dues Establish revenues on a per member basis Do not over estimate the number of members
Total Fixed Costs # of Members Revenue Needed to Cover Fixed Costs
Total of Budget Requests # of Members Revenue Needed to Cover Operational Costs
Fixed Costs per Member Operational Costs per Member Total Revenue Needed
Candidate Dues should also be included in revenues Candidate and Initiation Fees MUST NOT be figured into the budget Housing should be established in its own budget
Treasurer, Finance Committee, and Executive Board to determine if the dues structure is feasible to propose for approval If the dues structure IS NOT feasible, then determine an alternate amount through possible adjustments At this step, a chapter’s vision, strategy and goals are necessary in order to make decisions based on priorities
Treasurer and Finance Committee present the budget to the Chapter Explain the process used to determine budget Review each operational area’s expenses Review the dues structure Open floor to questions from membership Move for adoption of the budget