Webster Secondary Schools
21 st Century Technology Tools Working Smarter NOT Harder Emily VerHow—Spry Middle School Julie Bianchi—Willink Middle School Dave Leahy—Schroeder High School Rachel Ciesluk—Thomas High School Barb Goldammer—Curriculum Supervisor for Math
Representative List Coordination Doodle RSS Calendar Communication Skype Blogs RSS, Google Reader Twitter Sharing Wikis Google docs Moodle Delic.io.us
Face 2 Face Learning & Department Meetings Lead Teacher Meetings PLCs-Professional Learning Communities Peer-to-Peer Tech Talks Co-Planning Video Conferencing Committee Meetings
Tools Wiki
Samples from Wiki for senior project on aquaponics ** Demo of wiki, delic.io.us, skype with technology department meeting Utilizing Skype PLC time Wikis for Algebra, Math Resources, Administrative Instructional Council Doodle for meeting coordination Middle School Enrichment Blog for students book talk Videoconferencing with Skype with colleagues Website Calendar with team for testing/project coordination