- E-teacher Scholarship Program- advanced online teaching courses for career advancement
O Introduction to Pedagogy and Practices for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL Methods) O Building Teaching Skills through the Interactive Web (Web Skills) O Practical Applications in Language and Learning Skills (PALSS) O Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) O Teaching English to Pre-teens and Teens (TEPT) O English for Specific Purposes, Aligning Context with Practices and Materials (ESP) O Special Education and Differentiated Instruction in EFL Contexts (SpEd EFL) O Summative and Formative Assessment in Language Learning and Teaching (Assessment) O Critical Thinking in Language Learning and Teaching (CT)
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Special education and Differentiated Instruction in the ELT context Esada Čirić-Delić
Special education/Inclusion Special educational needs
Special education:
Special education in BiH LegislationPractice
Disabilities and conditions affecting the learning process: O Physical disability O Hearing impairment O Visual impairment O Cognitive Disorder O Dyslexia O Disgraphia O Down syndrome O Autism Spectrum Disorder O ADD/ADHD O Behavioral/Emotional Disorder
Practical advice for teachers: Learn about the disability and decide on the strategy Prepare individual education plan and change the layout of the learning environment Apply: sequence of activities, good classroom mngmt., focus on strenghts not weakness
Strategies in the classroom Multiple intelligences Project Based Learning Scaffolding Learning Styles Differentiated Instruction Authentic Assessment
“The fact that students differe may be inconvenient but it is inescapable. Adapting to that diversity is the inevitable price of productivity, high standards and fairness to kids.“ (Theodor Sizer, Brown University)
Differentiated Instruction “...classroom practices embodying student learning styles, interest, and prior knowledge“ (Benjamin, 2002).
THREE KEY COMPONENTS for differentiating is to assess child‘s: Interest level Learning profile/style Readiness level Langa&Yost, 2007
Tomlinson identified three components that should be differentiated (Hall, Strangman & Meyer, 2003): 1) CONTENT : 2) PROCESS : 3) PRODUCTS : 1) CONTENT : elements and materials used in reaching learning goals and in teaching concepts, principles, and skills; 2) PROCESS :how you will teach the content, flexible groups or whole-group discussion of content or small groups or paired groups; 3) PRODUCTS : students allowed choices in products or final assessments (variety of ways for expression, degree of difficulty, and types of evaluation).
What Differentiated Instruction Means for Teachers Get to know your students (student’s level, learning style & student’s interests) 1. Identify areas of your curriculum that could be adapted to differentiated instruction 2. Examine your role as teacher in the differentiated classroom. 3.
DO Provide several learning options Provide appropriate levels of challenge for all students Don‘t Develope seperate plans for each student in the classroom “water down“ the curriculum for some students TEACHERS
Differentiated Instruction in the classroom: Instructional Strategies : Graphic organizers Tiered products Journal prompts Flexible work groups Outcome: Graphic display Website (if poss.) Written report Simulations
Examples of differentiating activities for differentiating content: Match: vocabulary words to definitions, pictures. Read: a passage of text, answer: related questions. Think: a different outcome to the story. Differentiate: fact from opinion in the story. Identify: an author’s position, narrator‘s voice- provide evidence to support a viewpoint. Create: a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the lesson.
Examples of differentiating the process: Provide visual and word learners with textbooks, assistive texts. Provide auditory learners with audio books, tapes. Provide kinesthetic learners the opportunity for an interactive assignment online.
Examples of differentiating the end product: Write a book report. Give an oral report. Create a graphic organizer of the story. Build a diorama illustrating the story.
List of references: O O O O O O O O O O O O Aiming-for-Fidelity-to-a-Model.aspx Aiming-for-Fidelity-to-a-Model.aspx O O economic/docs/Metiri_Classroom_Collaboration_Research.pdf economic/docs/Metiri_Classroom_Collaboration_Research.pdf O students-and-everyone students-and-everyone O O O testing/4911.html?page=2&detoured=1 testing/4911.html?page=2&detoured=1 O