MATURITY CONTINUUM STAGE 1STAGE 2STAGE 3STAGE 4 Settling In Opening Up Participating & Reflecting Transforming TEAM / INDIVIDUAL CONTROL COACH / LEADER CONTROL months months months months
MATURITY CONTINUUM STAGE MONTHS YOUR CONTROL TEAM / INDIVIDUAL CONTROL OBSERVED BEHAVIORS Implements Directions Orienting Self Polite Tentative Need for Safety/Approval Confused Lacks Sense of Direction Unempowered VISIONARY / DIRECTOR ROLE Provide Direction Help Plan Work Help Problem Solve Provide Structure Identify Job Tasks Help Establish Clear Goals Begin Coaching Process Uncover Professional Goals Uncover Personal Goals Help Establish Identity
MATURITY CONTINUUM YOUR CONTROL OBSERVED BEHAVIORS FACILITATOR / TEACHER ROLE STAGE MONTHS Reacts to Situations Requests Feedback Test Out Dialogue Struggles Over Purpose Unsure of Self/Value Shows Differing Opinions Lacks Role Clarity Beginning to Organize Somewhat Empowered Ask Questions Challenge Encourage Participation Increase Task Responsibility Encourage Ownership Educate on Process Provide Frequent Feedback Reaffirm Role Encourage Self-Esteem Look for Hidden Talents Begin to Teach Problem Solving TEAM / INDIVIDUAL CONTROL
MATURITY CONTINUUM YOUR CONTROL OBSERVED BEHAVIORS COACH / SPONSOR ROLE STAGE MONTHS Ready to Plan for Self Honest Reflection of Self Harmony Trust Develops Achievement Drive High Goal Oriented Comfortable with Self Creativity High Focuses on Current Identity Begins to Emerge Somewhat Empowered Encourage Reflection Give Feedback/Support Plan Celebrations Allow for Less Structure Involve in Strategies Educate on Process Increase Communication Independent Problem Solver High Level Coaching TEAM / INDIVIDUAL CONTROL
MATURITY CONTINUUM YOUR CONTROL OBSERVED BEHAVIORS CONSULTANT/ VISIONARY/ SPONSOR/ FACILITATOR ROLE STAGE MONTHS Takes Responsibility Accountable for Work Plans Accordingly Sure of Self and Role Energized Motivated Interdependent Empathy for Others Team Identity Strong Low Conflict Fully Empowered Teach Others to Lead Themselves Communicate Remove Roadblocks Guide Process Hold Accountable Share New Information Give Positive Support TEAM / INDIVIDUAL CONTROL