Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Roxanne Riedy, MSN Marilee Elias, MSN
Health and Wellness Promotion Health Illness Wellness
Health Promotion What’s the motivation? R/T Individual lifestyle What are the choices?
Vs. Health Protection How does the motivation differ? R/T Individual lifestyle Why make the choice to change?
Health Promotion Models The Health-illness Continuum Dunn’s Health Grid Neuman’s Continuum Pender’s Health Promotion Wheel of Wellness Transtheoretical Model of Change
Dimensions of Health Along Health and Illness Continuum Biological factors Nutrition Physical activity Sleep and rest Meaningful work
Dimensions of Health Along Health and Illness Continuum (continued) Lifestyle choices Family relationships Culture Religion and spirituality Environmental factors Finances
The term “Health” refers to? Physical Status Emotional Well-being Interpersonal Relationships Intellectual function Spiritual condition Sexuality
“Health” is influenced by? Patient’s Belief System Attitudes toward control of health –We’ll revisit locus of control Cultural Influences Lifestyle behaviors And of course the influence of Family
Illness Perspectives Illness results from injury and/or disease Inability to meet one’s needs Acute Illness vs. Chronic Illness vs. Acute/Chronic Combo?
Wellness Perspectives Continuum of Health Optimal Health to Maladaptive Health What’s High-level Wellness?
Health Behaviors Variables of Influence –Lifestyle –Locus of Control –Self-efficacy –Beliefs & attitudes about Healthcare –Self-concept
Variables Influencing Health Beliefs and Practices Internal Factors –Developmental stage –Intellect –Emotion –Spiritual –Physical
More Variables External Factors –Family –Socioeconomic –Culture & Ethnicity –Environmental
Biological Risk Factors Genetics Gender Age Developmental Stage
Other Risk Factors Environmental Lifestyle
Other Dimensions of Health Factors Nutrition Physical Activity Sleep and Rest Meaningful Work Vulnerable Populations
Health Promotion Activities to improve health & well-being What are we aiming for? –Patient Empowerment –Good Decision Making Lifestyles & Activities
Health Promotion Programs Disseminating Information Changing Lifestyles & Behaviors Environmental Control Wellness Assessments Health Risk Appraisals Remember nurses are A.T.A.T.T. (All Teaching All the Time)
Health Promotion and Vulnerable Populations Age Chronic disease History of abuse/trauma Limited economic resources Limited social resources
Health Protection Activities Prevent accidents Occupational Safety & Health Ensuring the Safety of Food & Drugs Environmental Strategies
Disease Prevention Activities Continuum of Disease –Prevent the Disease –Limit the Course of the Disease Levels of Prevention –Primary –Secondary –Tertiary
Health Promotion Motivated by the desire to increase well- being Related to individual lifestyle choices Healthy People 2020 National initiative Addresses the effect of lifestyle on health Created health improvement goals Eliminate health disparities
Healthy People Initiatives We’re in the 4 th decade of this national health framework for public health preventions priorities and actions. The overarching goals and focus topic areas are refocused every 10 years using the input from public health and prevention experts, government officials and the public.
Healthy People 2020 “The launch of Healthy People comes at a critical time. Our challenge and opportunity is to avoid preventable diseases from occurring in the first place.” HHS Secretary Katherine Sebelius Use of IT to make Healthy People come alive through a “challenge” to develop ‘myHealthyPeople’ apps. ( ) Revision of Healthy People 2010
Healthy People 2020 Updated with New Topic Areas Main (or broad) goals of this plan: – increase healthy life expectancy – reduce health care disparities –create social and physical environments that promote good health for all –Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages
New Topic Areas 2020 Adolescent HealthGenomics Blood Disorders & Blood SafetyGlobal Health Early and Middle ChildhoodPreparedness Dementias, including Alzheimer’s Disease Healthcare-Associated Infections Health-Related Quality of Life and Well-Being Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health Sleep Health Social Determinants of Health
What’s in Healthy People 2020? (
Next Class… Teaching Project Presentations Holistic View of Health
Holism focus is relationships between all living things The individual as a holistic being –Each person is unique –Basic human needs are integrated –Mind, body and spirit –Health is balance, integration and harmony in life
Holistic View of Health Basic human needs: –Physiological –Psychological –Sociocultural –Intellectual –Spiritual
Physiological Dimension Focus is achievement of basic needs: –Oxygenation –Circulation –Sleep & comfort –Nutrition –ELimination
Psychological Dimension Focus is achievement of: –Positive self-esteem and security –Trusting relationships –Appropriate social skills –Coping skills
Sociocultural Dimension Focus is achievement of: –Client needs Both dependence and independence –Client Empowerment Enabling the client to do for themselves
Intellectual Dimension Focus is achievement of Cognitive Functions: –Judgment –Orientation –Memory –Ability to process information –Factors that impair cognitive functions
Spiritual Dimension Spirituality is each individual’s relationship with: –Self –Others –Higher Power –Assists each person in determining their sense of meaning or purpose in life
Health Screening Activities Secondary Level of Prevention Lifespan considerations –Screenings throughout the Lifespan Cultural Considerations
Nursing Assessments for Health Promotion Health History/physical exam Physical Fitness Lifestyle and risk appraisal Life-stress review Nutritional Assessment Other health screenings
Nurse’s Role in Health Promotion Role Model Counselor Health Education Motivation Provide Support for lifestyle changes