Definitions of Health States Health: a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, not merely the absence of disease (WHO) Illness: the unique response of a person to a disease Wellness: an active state, oriented toward maximizing the potential of the individual
The Human Dimensions of Health Physical dimension — genetic inheritance, age, developmental level, race, and gender Emotional dimension — how the mind affects body function and responds to body conditions Intellectual dimension — cognitive abilities, educational background, and past experiences Environmental dimension — housing, sanitation, climate, pollution of air, food, and water
Cont. Human Dimensions of Health Sociocultural dimension — economic level, lifestyle, family, and culture Spiritual dimension — spiritual beliefs and values
Models of Health and Illness The agent-host-environment model: The agent, host, and environment interact in ways that create risk factors. The health-illness continuum: Views health as a constantly changing state with high-level wellness and death on opposite sides of a continuum The high-level wellness model The health belief model The health promotion model
Factors Affecting Health Status, Beliefs, and Practices Risk factors for illness Factors in the human dimensions that influence health-illness status Beliefs and practice Basic human needs Self-concept
Basic Human Needs (Maslow)
Factors That Influence a Person’s Self Concept Past experiences Interpersonal interactions Physical and cultural influences Education
Types of Illness Acute illness Chronic illness Generally has a rapid onset of symptoms and lasts only a relatively short time Examples: appendicitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, common cold Chronic illness A broad term that encompasses many different physical and mental alterations Examples: diabetes mellitus, lung disease, arthritis, lupus
Stages of Illness Behavior Experiencing symptoms Assuming the sick role Assuming a dependent role Achieving recovery and rehabilitation
Levels of Preventive Care Primary prevention — e.g., diet, exercise, immunizations Secondary prevention — e.g., screenings, mammograms, family counseling Tertiary prevention — e.g., medications, surgical treatment, rehabilitation