Eddington limited starbursts in the central 10pc of AGN Richard Davies, Reinhard Genzel, Linda Tacconi, Francisco Mueller Sánchez, Susanne Friedrich Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics and Amiel Sternberg University of Tel Aviv, Israel extent, intensity, & history of recent star formation and relation to AGN distribution & kinematics of molecular gas, and relation to obscuring material black hole mass from stellar dynamics to test reverberation masses (BLR geometry) & M BH -σ relation
Molecular Gas in NGC1068 CO 2-1 traces cold H 2 (Schinnerer et al. 00) 1-0 S(1) traces hot H 2
Jet/cloud interaction in NGC1068 5GHz radio continuum & sketch from Gallimore et al. 96 1” = 70pc resolution
Molecular Gas & the Torus in NGC1068 5GHz radio continuum of S1 source (Gallimore et al. 04) with maser spots (Greenhill et al. 96). 10pc VLT interferometry warm 300K dust emission with size scale ~3pc FWHM (Jaffe et al. 04) static torus models Fritz et al. (06): 17pc radius Schartmann et al. (05): 5pc ‘torus radius’ (70pc outer) Granato et al. (97): 19pc radius
Adaptive Optics Observations of AGN with Keck & VLT objecttypeMpc resolution Mkn 231ULIRG, Sy1, QSO ”145pc IRAS 05189–2524ULIRG, Sy ”100pc NGC 2992Sy ” 48pc NGC 3783Sy ” 37pc NGC 7469Sy ” 27pc NGC 1097LINER, Sy ” 21pc NGC 3227Sy ” 7pc NGC 1068Sy ” 6pc CircinusSy ” 4pc ApJ, 613, 781 ApJ, 602, 148 ApJ, 646, 754 A&A, 454, 481
CO equivalent width: measuring stellar continuum ‘STARS’ stellar cluster models W CO6-3 ~ 4.5Å & W CO2-0 ~ 12Å adapted from Oliva et al can correct for dilution & estimate stellar continuum
Brγ equivalent width - correct Brγ for AGN contribution (e.g. NLR, jet) through morphology & kinematics - ratio to stellar continuum Star Formation Diagnostics radio continuum (supernova rate) - resolved continuum with low T B probably star formation - correct flux for unresolved point source associated with AGN, and also for any jet contribution - estimate supernova rate mass-to-light ratio - use spatially resolved kinematics (V rot & σ) to estimate dynamical mass - correct L K for non-stellar continuum - gives upper limit to M/L K for most recent star formation Carilli et al. (1998) Mkn ” beam source size 0.44×0.31” NGC1068
Nuclear Disks: NGC1097 nuclear disk: radius~40 pc mass~2.0×10 8 M sun scale height~9 pc starsmolecular gas velocity dispersion
Nuclear Disks: NGC1068 nuclear disk: radius~70 pc mass~1.2×10 8 M sun scale height~6 pc stars dispersion velocity molecular gas
nuclear stellar continuum resolved in all cases: no distinct & significant compact component on scales smaller than this age is Myr but typically no longer active Star Formation Size & Age Cid Fernandes 04:central ~200pc of 79 nearby Seyfert 2s; 1/3-1/2 have experienced significant star formation in last few hundred Myr Kauffmann 03:central few kpc of AGN in SDSS; a significant fraction have experienced star formation in the recent (~Gyr) past
starburst luminosity is a few percent of AGN on scales <10pc, but comparable to AGN on kpc scales Stellar vs AGN Luminosity
Stellar Bolometric Luminosity Eddington limited starbursts in central ~10 pc M51 star clusters or Arp 220 (Scoville 03) radiatively supported starburst models (Thompson et al. 05) note: 500L sun /M sun ~ L sun /kpc 2 for Σ=2×10 4 M sun /pc 2
Eddington limited starburst implies short star formation timescale – perhaps why we don’t see current activity stellar bolometric luminosity
Starburst – AGN connection best estimate of time since most recent star forming episode began Delay of close to100 Myr between starburst & AGN activity roughly AGN luminosity Eddington ratio
Summary adaptive optics integral field spectroscopy of mostly type 1 AGN, with spatial resolution to better than 10pc detailed morphologies & kinematics of molecular gas (e.g. NGC1068) and stars star formation: recent star formation in nuclear disks on 10pc scales, starbursts are Eddington limited & short lived suggestion of a delay between starburst activity & AGN activity