Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports CCSD
PBIS is a process for creating safe and more effective schools. It’s a data-based decision making framework that guides the selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving student outcomes for all students—including those with challenging behavior problems—through a continuum of levels of support. 2
***PBIS is not a curriculum, intervention, or practice. ***PBIS is a framework for making data-based decisions. Schools do not need to abandon its established and effective positive behavioral approaches. ***PBIS integrates these practices into a systematic, data-driven decision model that is a proactive approach to behavior management. 3
There are four key elements that are integrated to make successful PBIS. They are: 1. clearly defined academic and behavioral outcomes for students and staff, 2. evidence based practices, 3. data used to drive decision making, and 4. systems that enable the practices of PBIS to be accomplished with fidelity and sustainability. 4
…a 3-5 year training commitment to address proactive systems changes in the "way schools do business." …a canned program in a box for purchase. 5
…a way of taking all the great initiatives already implemented in the school and tying them together into a framework that works toward a common language, common practice, and consistent application of positive and negative reinforcement. …throwing out the baby with the bathwater. 6
…teaching, modeling, practicing, and rewarding appropriate behavior and having clear consequences for targeted behaviors. …being sickeningly sweet to children and giving them stickers. 7
…achieving full staff "buy-in" on consistent implementation of office discipline referrals. If it is not okay to cuss in classroom "A", then it will not be okay to cuss in classroom "B". …ignoring inappropriate behavior. 8
…rooted in evidence based practices which adults use to respond to the interventions needed to address behavioral and academic competence for each and every student. …something a bunch of people made up for the new pendulum to swing in the educational field. 9
…this training is based on the needs of each educational unit; which is why the teams are requested to commit to a 3-5 year training schedule based on the unique needs of their school community. …a one shot training or "Spray and Pray" seminar. 10
DisciplineAdministratorStudent TimeStaff Time Office Disciplinary Referral 10 minutes20 minutes5 minutes Detention20 minutes6 hours5 minutes Suspension45 minutes6 hours5 minutes 11
ODRDetentionsSuspensions Administration119.8 hours15.7 hours20.3 hours Students239.7 hours282 hours162 hours Staff59.99 hours3.9 hours2.3 hours 12
What have we been doing? Since October we’ve: 1. Established a District PBIS Leadership Team. 2. Established building level PBIS Teams. 3. Attended 3 days of training from our regional PBIS coordinator at the state level. 4. Have met numerous times as PBIS building level teams; met as coaches and have met administratively. Coaches have attended network meetings with coaches of districts implementing PBIS. 13
Highly successful in many other states. Many excellent resources available free online. Interest in Wisconsin schools is growing exponentially. DPI acting to respond to this interest and need. 15
At the end of the school year, Wisconsin had 435 schools trained in PBIS, 319 schools implementing PBIS, and 70 schools that had reached fidelity. Now we find ourselves at approximately the middle of the school year with at least 557 schools trained in PBIS, 438 schools implementing PBIS, and 117 implementing PBIS with fidelity. That’s a 28% increase in the number of schools trained, a 37% increase in the number of schools implementing, and a 67% increase in the number of schools implementing PBIS with fidelity! 16
George Sugai OSEP Center on PBIS Center for Behavioral Education & Research University of Connecticut September
RTI Integrated Continuum Mar Academic Continuum Behavior Continuum 18
Universal Targeted Intensive All Some Few RTI Continuum of Support for ALL Dec 7,
Universal Targeted Intensive RTI Continuum of Support for ALL Dec 7, 2007 Science Soc Studies Reading Math Soc skills Basketball Spanish Label behavior…not people 20
1. Leadership team 2. Behavior purpose statement 3. Set of positive expectations & behaviors 4. Procedures for teaching SW & classroom-wide expected behavior 5. Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior (acknowledgement) 6. Continuum of procedures for discouraging rule violations 7. Procedures for on-going data-based monitoring & evaluation School-wide 21
All school-wide Maximum structure & predictability in routines & environment Positively stated expectations posted, taught, reviewed, prompted, & supervised. Maximum engagement through high rates of opportunities to respond, delivery of evidence-based instructional curriculum & practices Continuum of strategies to acknowledge displays of appropriate behavior, including contingent & specific praise, group contingencies, behavior contracts, token economies Continuum of strategies for responding to inappropriate behavior, including specific, contingent, brief corrections for academic & social behavior errors, differential reinforcement of other behavior, planned ignoring, response cost, & timeout. Classroom 22
Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged Active supervision by all staff ◦ Scan, move, interact Precorrections & reminders Positive reinforcement Non-classroom 23
Elementary school example Middle school example High school example 24
For more information 25