Psychoacoustics of Dynamic ‘Center-of-Gravity’ Signals Larry Feth Ashok Krishnamurthy Ohio State University
Spectral Center-of-Gravity Chistovitch and Lublinskaja (1976,1979) Perceptual Formant at ‘Center-of-Gravity’ Two-formant synthetic vowel Matched by adjustable single-formant signal Center frequency of match depends on relative amplitudes of the two formants
Experimental Paradigm
Chistovitch and Lublinskaja Results
Voelcker Two-tone Signals
Initially, led to the EWAIF model Envelope-Weighted Average of Instantaneous Frequency (time domain) Point by point multiply E x F values Sum over N periods Divide by sum of weights Indicates pitch change in periodic signals Helmholtz (1954, 2 nd English edition) Jeffress (1964)
IWAIF Model Predictions
Two-tone resolution task Feth and O’Malley (1977) Two-tone resolution I = 1 dB; f independent variable ‘Voelcker-tone pair’ pitch discrimination inverted “u-shaped” psychometric functions Components resolved beyond –75% point ~3.5 Bark separation = jnnd
Voelcker Signal: Discrimination Task
Discrimination Results Jnnd – ‘Just not noticeable difference’ Filled circles Breakpoint estimates Open circles CR – critical ratio CBW CB – ‘empirical’ CBW Solid line TW envelope
IWAIF Model Intensity Weighted Average of Instantaneous Frequency = Centroid of signal’s positive power spectrum (Anantharaman, et al., 1993)
Dynamic Center-of-Gravity Effect Lublinskaja (1996) Three-formant synthetic Russian vowels Listeners identified vowels with : ‘conventional’ formant transitions co-modulated formant pairs that exhibit the same dynamic spectral center-of-gravity ID functions were very similar with formant pairs separated by 4.3 Bark or less
Psychophysics Anantharaman (1998) Two-tone signals with dynamic c-o-g effect We called them ‘Virtual Frequency’ Glides Listeners matched transition rates in VF glides to those in FM glides IWAIF model predicts results for transitions from 2 to ~5 ERB
Dynamic Center-of-Gravity Signals Waveform Long-term Spectrum Spectrogram
Rate-matching results
Model Results
Short-term running IWAIF Model
IWAIF Model Results
Application of ST-IWAIF Model
More Psychophysics Research Question(s) What is being ‘integrated’ in spectral integration? OR Where in the auditory system is the processing located?
Psychophysics Iyer, et al., (2001) Temporal acuity for FM and VF glides Step vs. linear ramp discrimination Similar T values may mean common process Masking patterns for FM and VF glides Peripheral process i.e., ‘Energy Masking’ Different results – VF not peripheral process
Temporal Acuity Paradigm Step (red) versus Glide (blue) transitions for FM tone (left panel) and Virtual Frequency (right panel)
Temporal Acuity Results Just discriminable step duration for FM (solid lines; filled symbols) and VF (dashed lines; unfilled symbols) signals. Frequency separations are 2, 5 and 8 ERBu. The results for 1000 Hz are represented by circles and those for 4000 Hz by triangles. Average for 4 listeners.
Dynamic Center-of-Gravity Maskers Masking of brief probe by FM glide (left panel) and by VF glide (right panel). Probe is in the spectro-temporal center of each masker. Five auditory filter bands are illustrated. Time Fl Fc Fh Time Fl Fc Fh
Masking Results Masking of a 20 ms probe by FM (light blue) and VF (darker blue) maskers. The probe is placed at the beginning, middle, and end of the masker. Significant differences are seen at 5 and 8 ERB for the middle position and the initial position at 8 ERB. Average for 4 listeners.
Glide Direction Asymmetry Gordon and Poeppel 3 Frequency ranges: (for F 1,F 2 & F 3 ) ~ 30 unpracticed listeners 20 trials / signal One interval Direction Identification: Up vs. Dn Best results at high frequency (F 3 ) range 10- through 160 ms ‘Up’ is easier to ID than ‘Dn’ Less clear-cut results at low or mid-freq. ranges
Glide Direction Asymmetry Gordon and Poeppel – ARLO (2002) Identification of FM Sweep direction is easier for rising than for falling tones.
Glide Direction Asymmetry Dawson, (2002) Tested only high frequency range (F 3 ) Practiced listeners; ~ 100% all conditions! Modified procedure Rove each frequency sweep over 1 octave Practice to ~ asymptote
Glide ID Results Average for 4 listeners One-interval ID task 250 trials / datum point Well-practiced Subj’s Starting frequency roved over 1-octave range Summary FM ‘easier’ than VF Up ‘easier’ than Down
CV Identification Experiment [da] – [ga] continuum: varying F 3 transition Duration: 50 ms transition into 200 ms base F 3 onset: 2018 to 2658 Hz in 80 Hz steps F 3 base: 2527 Hz (constant) Formant transition ‘type’: Klatt synthesizer Frequency Modulated tone glide Virtual Frequency glide
CV Identification: Stimuli Spectrogram 1. Step 1 of Klatt Monaural Continuum—/ga/ endpoint
CV Identification: Stimuli Spectrogram 2. Step 1 of FM Monaural Continuum—/ga/ endpoint
CV Identification: Stimuli Spectrogram 3. Step 1 of VF Monaural Continuum—/ga/ endpoint
CV Identification: Stimuli Spectrogram 4. Step 1 of Dichotic FM Continuum—/ga/ endpoint
CV Identification: Stimuli Spectrogram 5. Step 1 of Dichotic VF Continuum—/ga/ endpoint
CV Identification Experiment Listeners: 8 adults with normal hearing Procedure: One interval, 2-AFC 3 transition types: Klatt, FM or VF 6 of 8 tokens tested 20 repetitions / token Results are averaged for the 8 listeners
CV Identification: Results
Psychoacoustics of Dynamic ‘Center-of-Gravity’ Signals Conclusions ‘Excitation’ is integrated not signal energy The processing is central not peripheral Masking Patterns are very different Temporal Acuity results are similar for FM & VF glides Direction ID Asymmetry is similar for FM & VF glides
Psychoacoustics of Dynamic ‘Center-of-Gravity’ Signals Conclusions CV identification functions are similar for: Klatt synthesized sounds FM formant sounds VF formant sounds Thus, it doesn’t matter how ‘excitation’ is moved from A to B, the brain will interpret it as the same sound. The effect is evident under dichotic listening; further support for central processing.
Collaborators Rob Fox Nandini Iyer Jayanth Anantharaman Ewa Jacewicz Robin Dawson
Psychoacoustics of Dynamic ‘Center-of-Gravity’ Signals Thank You Questions?
Up vs. Down FM Glide
Up vs. Down VF Glide
Effect of Masker Direction Masking produced by VF (above) and FM (below) maskers with F = 5 ERB. Purple bars are “up” glides; yellow bars are “down” glides. Centered probe.
Effect of Masker Position Masking produced by VF (above) and FM (below) maskers with F = 5 ERB. Purple bars are “up” glides; yellow bars are “down” glides.
Klatt & FM Parameters
Virtual Frequency Parameters