Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare Welcome to Transition Across Continuum of Early Learning Professional Development Series
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare Works with a Kindergarten Teacher ____________ Has an Early Childhood Education degree ____________ Works in a Keystone STAR child care program ____________ Takes / welcomes preschool children in kindergarten classrooms ____________ Networks with other Early Learning programs ____________ Is a Preschool Teacher ____________ Has had their own children in child care ____________ Has taught both preschool and kindergarten ____________ Includes parents in transition activities / planning ____________ Has a copy of the early learning standards in their classroom ____________ Integrates community leaders in transition planning ____________ Knows what OCDEL stands for ____________ Has visited / utilized the SAS website ____________ Considers transition supports in daily routines ____________ Considers relationship building in transition planning ____________ Has participated in a transition planning meeting with a district/preschool ____________ Shares / receives year end child outcome reports ____________ Utilizes parents to support the learning in the classroom ____________ Has connected goals to transition activities ____________ Has made contact with an Elementary Principal ____________ Utilizes child screening results ____________ Uses a research- based curriculum ____________ Has worked in an kindergarten classroom ____________ Meets regularly with a Transition Team ____________ Evaluates transition practices for effectiveness ____________ 2
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare NOUN - Movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another VERB - To make a transition: He had difficulty transitioning from an enlisted man to officer. Synonyms - Changeover, passing, conversion. Transition Definitions: 4
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare 5
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare Why worry about implementing positive transition practices?
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare The sustainment of developmental and academic gains attained in quality early education settings. (Howes, C. et. Al., 2007) Implementation of effective transition strategies has been linked to: 8
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare We know that positive outcomes occur when there is alignment of expectations and practices between settings.
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare We know that parental involvement is important to child success.
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare We know that effective transition practices build POSITIVE teacher /child relationships.
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare Understand OCDEL’s framework for transition, 2.Evaluate current transition practice, and 3.Identify a means to plan and implement continual quality improvement OVERALL LEARNING OBJECTIVES 12
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare This training consists of two phases with 3 modules covered during each phase. Phase 1 (3 hour session) Overview Management of Transition Practices School in Community Take home assignment Phase 2 (3 hour session) Child to School Family to School School to School Design of this Professional Development Series 15
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare T.A.C.E.L.( Transition Across Continuum of Early Learning)—a framework for school readiness and school success based on aligning systems in which transition is understood as an on-going process beginning at birth and continuing through entrance into formal schooling to 3 rd grade. Sending schools - This term refers to early learning centers, faith based providers, private preschool and any other early learning center in which children are enrolled or attend and which will transition children into a formal school. Receiving schools -This term refers to any educational entity in which children attend their formal schooling. 16
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare WHERE CAN I FIND THESE TOOLS? Best Practice Rubric (BPR): A tool for self-assessment of transition practices which includes a continuum of effective strategies for both the sending and receiving schools. Best Practice Worksheet: A tool for reflection on current practice, which details each indicator on the BPR and asks what’s working, what needs improvement, and what are my next steps. Best Practice Action Plan: A tool used to score each BPR indicator, prioritize nest steps, and develop and plan to accomplish goals.
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare Transition Toolkit- What’s in there? 18 or
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare Best Practice Rubric Management of Transition Practices Best Practice EmergingBest Practice ProgressingBest Practice Achieved Audience Transition practices are in place and are implemented for limited groups of children (i.e. those children with IEPs, children identified “at risk”) In addition to transition practices offered to limited groups of children, some transition practices are offered to ALL children. All available transition practices are offered to ALL children. Personnel Issues related to transition are handled by the guidance counselor or other district personnel as an add-on to position responsibilities. Issues related to transition are handled by one, identified person as a dedicated portion of their job responsibilities. There is a designated Transition Coordinator at the district level and one team leader within each feeder school. Most, but not all, of individual schools serving Kindergartners within the district participate in transition activities. All schools serving Kindergarteners within the district participate in transition activities. Some of these activities are coordinated events across the district. In addition to the previous indicator, school district personnel also participate in and/or promote county-wide and/or state-wide transition initiatives. Teachers volunteer time to engage in transition practices that extend beyond their contractual obligations. Incentives are provided for teachers to engage in transition practices that extend beyond their contractual obligations. Transition practices are incorporated into and are compensated as part of teachers’ contractual obligations. Transition Plan A written Transition Plan is present.A written Transition Plan is current, is implemented, and is reviewed and updated periodically. A written Transition Plan is current, is implemented and is reviewed and updated on an annual basis. Plan effectiveness is evaluated annually. 23
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare Management of Transition Community School Child School Family School School Best Practices: Building Connections 23
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare Transition Framework – Pianta Create Points of Connections Between the Systems Community – School Child – School Family – School School – School 24
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare Ecological model– Pianta 25
Transition from early care to formal schooling Tom Corbett, Governor; Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education; Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare Transition Framework – Pianta Create Points of Connections Between the Systems Through: 1.Community - School - To facilitate continuity in the transition process within the community. 2.Child - School - To increase children’s familiarity with the classroom setting and those within it. 3.Family - School - To increase family collaboration and involvement with the school and transition process. 4 School - School - To provide children with stable classroom experiences across time. 26