Network meeting agenda Term 1 : Tuesday 26 March – 4:00-5:30 pm 3:45-4:00 Afternoon tea provided Acknowledgement of country Welcome- meet and greet 4:00-4:30 Review Action plans Where are we up to? What are your school’s goals? What support do you need for 2013? Sustaining change-research reading How to access and effectively use the Wiki and Edmodo group? 4:30-5:15 What’s new with the new NSW syllabus for the Australian curriculum Mathematics K-10 syllabus? What PL resources are available? Linking the numeracy continuum to the new syllabus outcomes Comparing the Scope and Sequence of key ideas. Leading Mathematics Learning Sydney Region Primary Network 2013
Leading sustainable change : What counts Power to influence others NOT Power over others
Leading change: five dimensions of educational leadership V.Robinson 2004 The impact of leadership on student outcomes: Making sense of the evidence
Instructional leadership
Preparing for transition to the NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum
What about the implementation of the new Mathematics Syllabus?
Refer to handout Central role of working mathematically
Continuum of Learning K-10 What are the key features of the online version of the syllabus? Support materials
Assessment for Assessment of Assessment as LEARNING
What support do I need ? 1.The continuum and syllabus 2.Developing and using assessment effectively 3. Sequencing teaching and learning Teacher : Stage: 4. Ongoing assessment – make judgements about students achievement What are my strengths? Linking the Numeracy Continuum to Quality teaching, learning and assessment: Focus on Early Arithmetic Strategies and Place Value
Where to next in 2013?
Online PL resources Building Capacity
Online PL resources professional Learning
Keeping up to date with what’s available.
Transition: Continuum of key ideas What’s the same? What’s different?
Suggestions for further investigation and collaborative dialogue and feedback. Compare and contrast Current syllabusNew syllabus Stage statements Key ideas and content Numeracy continuum : outcomes
Success comes from understanding Have students explain their reasoning Maths class is a time for talk Make writing a part of math learning Present math activities in contexts Support learning with manipulatives Let your students push the curriculum Best activities meet the needs of all students confusion is part of the process Encourage different ways of thinking
Join the Wiki: To create a Wikispace account, go to It is not necessary to create your own Wiki, so click on the No button when you come to that section. Click ‘Protected’ in the Wiki Permissions section and make sure you have ticked the box certifying the Wiki is for educational use. Join the Edmodo group: You will need to create an Edmodo account. To create an Edmodo account, go to and sign up as ‘teacher’. Once you have created your account, click on the ‘join’ button on your home page and enter the code hkbhpo Let’s share and communicate: Leading Mathematics Learning Network