SWPBS: Reducing Effectiveness of Bullying Behavior George Sugai OSEP Center on PBIS Center for Behavioral Education & Research University of Connecticut February 28,
PURPOSE To improve our understanding of & responding to bullying behavior from perspective of school-wide positive behavior support. SWPBS Basics Bullying behavior in SWPBS Strategies
Good “things” about Bullying efforts Increased problem awareness More emphasis on prevention More curriculum development & research Greater focus on all students
“Bullying” Issues Labeling kids Limited assessment of context Generic intervention responses Limited examination of mechanism Over-emphasis on student responsibility for change Non-data based intervention decisions Too much attention on student, not enough on recipients
SWPBS: Basics
SWPBS is Framework for enhancing adoption & implementation of Continuum of evidence- based interventions to achieve Academically & behaviorally important outcomes for All students
Universal Targeted Intensive All Some Few Continuum of Support for ALL Dec 7, 2007
~80% of Students ~5% ESTABLISHING CONTINUUM of SWPBS SECONDARY PREVENTION Check in/out Targeted social skills instruction Peer-based supports Social skills club TERTIARY PREVENTION Function-based support Wraparound Person-centered planning PRIMARY PREVENTION Teach SW expectations Proactive SW discipline Positive reinforcement Effective instruction Parent engagement SECONDARY PREVENTION TERTIARY PREVENTION PRIMARY PREVENTION ~15%
Universal Targeted Intensive Continuum of Support for “Manuella” Dec 7, 2007 Harassment Computer Lab Social Studies Physical Intimidation Adult Relations. Attendance Literacy Label behavior…not people
OUR BEHAVIORAL PERSPECTIVE “Do” Learning history “Context” or environment Context manipulation Data-based decision making
Teach effective, efficient, relevant social skills 1 R e m o v e t r i g g e r s o f p r o b l e m b e h a v i o r 2 Add triggers for social skills 3 Remove consequences that maintain problem behavior 4 Add consequences that maintain social skills 5 Prevention
SYSTEMS “BULLY BEHAVIOR” PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Student Behavior OUTCOMES Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement Supporting Decision Making Integrated Elements
SWPBS look at bullying behavior
Reconceptualizing Bullying from Behavior Analytic Perspective for SWPBS Emphasize overt observable behavior Consider sets of behavior w/ similar function Examine behavior in context Specific relationship between behavior & context Describe behavioral learning histories Change context to change probability of behavior
What is “bullying?” Remember “Label behavior, not people…’ So, say, “bully behavior” Behavior Verbal/physical aggression, intimidation, harassment, teasing, manipulation
Why do bully behavior? Get/obtain E.g., stuff, things, attention, status, money, activity, attention, etc. Escape/avoid E.g., same…but less likely Victim attention Bystander attention Self-delivered praise Tangible access
Why is “why” important? Teach effective, efficient, relevant alt. SS Remove triggers of BB Add triggers for alt. SS Remove conseq. that maintain BB Add conseq. that maintain SS PREVENTION De-emphasis on adding consequence for problem behavior
Context or Setting Context or Setting Initiator Target Bystander Staff Continuum of Behavior Fluency
Implement SWPBS continuum w/ fidelity Review SW data at least monthly Step 1 Modify implementation plan based on data Implement modifications w/ fidelity Step 2 Monitor implementation fidelity Monitor student progress & responsiveness Modify as indicated by data Step 3 Is Behavior an Issue?
Three basic strategies….if you do nuthin’ else….
Label student Exclude student Blame family Punish student Assign restitution Ask for apology Teach targeted social skills Reward social skills Teach all Individualize for non-responsive behavior Invest in positive school-wide culture Doesn’t WorkWorks
“Stop-Walk-Talk” “Talk-Walk-Squawk” “Whatever & Walk” 1. Teach common strategy to all
MUST….. Be easy & do-able by all Be contextually relevant Result in early disengagement Increase predictability Be pre-emptive Be teachable Be brief
2. Precorrect Analyze problem setting Describe problem behavior Identify triggers & function Identify acceptable alternative behavior Modify setting to prevent Check-in w/ student to remind of desired behavior Before Monitor Remind Reinforce Redirect During Correct Reinforce approximations Reteach Remind After
Move Scan Interact positively Model expectations Reward appropriate behavior Remind & precorrect 3. Actively Supervise
PBIS Prevention Goals & Bullying Behavior Goal 1 Establish positive, predictable, consistent, rewarding school culture for all across all settings Goal 2 Teach social skills that work at least as well as or better than problem behavior Goal 3 Respond to nonresponsive behavior positively & differently, rather than reactively & more of same Goal 4 Actively supervise & precorrect for problem behaviors & settings, especially nonclassroom Goal 5 Individualize support based on responsiveness & effect