Customizing the On-line Resource Panel discussion Larry Mueller Kimberly Area School District Janssen Way/PBIS website: - go to “The Janssen Way” link for access to: lessons, matrix, pictures, videos, blog
At first – we weren’t sure of which way to go - and how! -Summer book study – we wanted a TOOL BOX of classroom interventions -August PBIS Classroom Management training – contained intervention components and the essential foundation. -Projected the 3 components over the year. (expectations, acknowledgement, consequences).
Year one of Classroom Implementation Year two of PBIS A SUPPORTED FORMAT IS IMPORTANT: Monthly staff Meetings - 30 minutes on third Wednesday at 3:40 PM during contract hours. Presentation with discussion in small groups, processing questions, then sharing out, ticket to leave, brainstorm, etc. Grade level team meetings 1-2 times monthly. application, discussion, problem solving, data collection. Janssen Way/PBIS whole team meetings monthly. Sub-committees meet monthly on alternating weeks.
Created by Janssen Committee leader
Sequence and use of on-line module and related resources August – PBIS training in classroom management and summer book study by a few PBIS committee members. Used book: How to Reach and Teach children with Challenging Behaviors by Kaye OttenHow to Reach and Teach children with Challenging Behaviors by Kaye Otten September: Part I – Rules and Routines. -Staff Meeting: Overview of Classroom Matrix and examples and blank template. (adapted to Janssen) -Grade level meetings to discuss expectations whiles maintaining individuality of each teacher. Getting attention shared out.
October: Staff meeting: -Took Self-reflection survey (module 1) and shared learning needs in small group. -Prompting post matrix in all rooms this Month. Examples of routines posters presented. Coach walk-through. November: -Staff Meeting: Take SAS. Ticket to leave concerns and ideas on the classroom matrix. SAS results show concern about consistency in response to behaviors by adm and staff. -Data Collection: Team collaboration assignment to compile current effective strategies for specific behavior concerns. -Guest teacher presents CHAMPS (book by Randy Spricks) on classroom management. Voluntary meeting before school (with treats). Good resource book with CD of clip-art Icons.CHAMPS
December: Part II – Acknowledgement Staff meeting: - Power point presentation on Group Contingencies – introduction only. Brief discussion of current use in classes by teachers. Dojo example presented. - TOOLS: “Taking a break” and “Delivering Positives” sent to all staff and placed in “Tools” file on group server. Discussion encouraged at grade level.
January: Staff meeting: (Friday – 1.5 hour) -“Guess which group contingency” power point game with discussion/debate. (Created from online search) -Introduction and handout on Continuum of Reinforcers (Immediate, intermittent, long-term) along with a list of examples compiled by the committee (modified module page). - Teachers given a compilation of strategies derived from their grade-level teams this fall. -Data Collection: Collaboration assignment given to identify strategies of interest or concern this spring. -All staff took “Forced Choice Reinforcement menu” and shared their preference voluntarily. Good activity to highlight our different motives. (easy to find on-line)
February: Part III – Consequence systems Staff meeting – power point on Corrective feedback and Continuum of response strategies. (created using module content as outline) -Meeting activity: to write a response strategy continuum for an example behavior working in small groups (from module). -Continuum strategies worksheets available as to practice. (from module) -TOOL: Teams given “Think sheet” examples and asked to develop their own problem solving sheets per grade level. (From on-line search of examples).
March: - Grade level teams: Asked to read about and review video on Intentional ignoring sent to all staff. (adapted from pbis Staff Meeting: - Consequence Options (3.3a) and Teaching consequence List (3.3c) from module given to staff. - TOOL: Intentional Ignoring round-robin activity and discussion. - TOOL: Behavioral Contracts: Introduction and handout on contracting with students and parents. (created from web search) - Functions of Behavior (ABCs): Handout for individual reading (from Reach and Teach book: Kaye Otten)
April and May: -Staff meetings brief: Focus on maintaining, supporting and using correction continuum. -BOQ taken and reflects improvement in available strategies for behavior concerns. -TOOL BOX of strategies developing! -Staff Feedback activity – staff meeting -(Notes: Have SWIS data system in place. Too late to explore FBA - move to next year. Also Level II coming)
LEARNED: -Commitment to structure, resources, time, and administrative support is essential. - Look around, borrow, use experience of others. State PBIS site and consultants, and other State/District sites. -Modify the CR Module match your school system. -Keep the spirit and practice of Character Development in all that you do – it is the plate on which all else sits. Wisconsin Character Education Partnership WHATS NEXT?: -Stick to the basics: “Less is more”. -Use our data, data, data, for staff and student needs. -Keep adding to our behavior strategies (TOOLS) -Developing new handbook to centralize materials -Initiating Level II in 2013/2014 beginning with CICO