1 Relativistic calculation of emission spectra of highly charged W ions and electron impact ionization cross sections of W 2006. 11. 14. Yongjoo Rhee (


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Presentation transcript:

1 Relativistic calculation of emission spectra of highly charged W ions and electron impact ionization cross sections of W Yongjoo Rhee ( 李 鏞 周 ) Laboratory for Quantum Optics Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 韓國 原子力 硏究所 量子光學技術開發部 presentation at ADAS

2 1.Electron impact ionization cross sections - W/W + - Ionization of W and W+ by electron impact. Duck-Hee Kwon, Yong-Joo Rhee, Yong-Ki Kim, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 252 pp (2006.4) 2.Emission spectra of highly charged W ions - W 33+, W 34+, W 35+, W AMODS database -

3 Atomic Processes in a Fusion Plasma impurity photon plasma particle 2 nd electron, ion, excited atom electron Mo, W, V Plasma p, e, Be, Li, C, Ni, etc Plasma (keV) generation of elctron energy loss of plasma plasma-wall interaction secondary electron electron collision with plasma photon emission decrease of plasma temperature secondary electron Diagnostic high Z (Ar, Xe, etc)

4 직접이온화 (direct ionization) BEB (Binary Encounter Bethe) model N : Orbital Occupation NumberB : Orbital Binding Energy U : Orbital Kinetic Energy R : Rydberg Energy T : Incident Electron Energy t = T/B u = U/B a 0 : Bohr Radius Bethe Mott Bound state Continuum Electron Ionization energy interference 간접이온화 (excitation-autoionization) Electron Bound state 1 Excited state : autoionization or photoemission First ionization limit Continuum Bound state 2 E: excitation energy B: bound energy PWB: plane wave Born Approximation for neutral atom CB: Coulomb Born approximation for singly charged ion Electron Impact Ionization Cross Sections N,B,U  relativistic MCDF calculation

5 MCDF Calculation Dirac-Fock Equation PC version (2005) Workstation version (2000) Exchange term Screened Coulomb charge term Lagrange multipliers Multi Configuration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) code : Jean-Paul Desclaux (Grenoble, France) Paul Indelicato (University of Paris, France) Yong-Ki Kim (NIST, USA) - ralativistic wave functions - electric and magnetic multipole transition - plane wave Born cross section - angular coefficients, etc Radial function X r

6 Atom Configuratio n LS termLevel(eV) Ionization energy (eV) W 5d 4 6s 25 D 0 (g) d 5 6s 7 S 3 (m) d 4 6s 23 P 1 (m) W+W+ 5d 4 6s 6 D 1/2 (g) d 5 6 S 5/2 (m) d 3 6s 24 F 5/2 (m) Energy levels of W (Z=74, m=meta stable state, g=ground state)

7 e-impact ionization of W + ion

8 e-impact ionization of neutral W

9 Online calcuation of Direct Ionization Cross Section

10 C. Biedermann, Physica Scripta, p 6 4d n – [4p 5 4d n+1 + 4p 6 4d n-1 4f] Series of EUV spectra of W ions (25+ to 36+) measured at Berlin EBIT Calculation by HULLAC code Emission spectra of Highly Charged W Ions

11 Energy levels of highly charged W ions W 36+ ← Mo V W 35+ ← Mo IV W 34+ ← Mo III W 33+ ← Mo II

12 Transition Probabilities of W 33+ Electric Dipole transition only 4p 6 4d n – [ 4p 5 4d n+1 + 4p 6 4d n-1 4f ] n=2 for W 36+ J= 2, 3, 4 n=3 for W 35+ J= 1/2, 3/2, 5/2 n=4 for W 34+ J= 0, 1, 2 n=5 for W 33+ J= 1/2, 3/2, 5/2

13 Spectrum of highly charged W 33+ ions Electric Dipole transition only 4p 6 4d n – [ 4p 5 4d 6 + 4p 6 4d 4 4f ]

14 Transition Probabilities of W 34+ Electric Dipole transition only 4p 6 4d n – [ 4p 5 4d n+1 + 4p 6 4d n-1 4f ] n=2 for W 36+ J= 2, 3, 4 n=3 for W 35+ J= 1/2, 3/2, 5/2 n=4 for W 34+ J= 0, 1, 2 n=5 for W 33+ J= 1/2, 3/2, 5/2

15 Spectrum of highly charged W 34+ ions Electric Dipole transition only 4p 6 4d n – [ 4p 5 4d 5 + 4p 6 4d 3 4f ]

16 Transition Probabilities of W 35+ Electric Dipole transition only 4p 6 4d n – [ 4p 5 4d n+1 + 4p 6 4d n-1 4f ] n=2 for W 36+ J= 2, 3, 4 n=3 for W 35+ J= 1/2, 3/2, 5/2 n=4 for W 34+ J= 0, 1, 2 n=5 for W 33+ J= 1/2, 3/2, 5/2

17 Spectrum of highly charged W 35+ ions Electric Dipole transition only 4p 6 4d n – [ 4p 5 4d 4 + 4p 6 4d 2 4f ]

18 W 33+ W 34+ W 35+ W 36+ Spectra of highly charged W ions Electric Dipole transition only 4p 6 4d n – [ 4p 5 4d n+1 + 4p 6 4d n-1 4f ] n=2 for W 36+ J= 2, 3, 4 n=3 for W 35+ J= 1/2, 3/2, 5/2 n=4 for W 34+ J= 0, 1, 2 n=5 for W 33+ J= 1/2, 3/2, 5/2 HCI Spectra are calculated using MCDF code for gA of each transition line and convolution with σ =0.138 is performed.

19 Spectra of highly charged W ions ASDEX upgrade, R. Neu, J.Phys.B, At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 1997

20 Spectra of highly charged W ions RELAC code, R. Neu, J.Phys.B, At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 1997

21 AMODS database

22 Structure & Raw Data Sources of AMODS AMODS Atomic Structure & TransitionsCollisions and Reactions ASL TP AEL ATL MCDF ON-LINE POP DYNAMICS Mirror NIST ASD ALLADIN e IMPACT ISOTOPE DATA MPI PATH NIFS AI IAEA,ORNL Michigan NIST, CUP NIFS CDS NIST KAERI NIST ADAS KAERI Strathclyde Most data retrievals are controlled by SCRIPTS (PERL, k-shell) Fundamental Const NIST IFE Simulation KAERI

23 Atomic Spectral Lines - I

24 Atomic Spectral Lines - II

25 Electron Impact Excitation/Ionization

26 Electron Impact Differential Cross Section Implemented in NIFS under CUP

27 KAERI – NIFS collaboration

28 Dielectronic Satellite Lines - NIFS

29 Mirror Site of NIST ASD

30 SUMMARY Usage of W is expanding - ITER, ASDEX, TRIAM, etc - DATA of W are necessary electron impact ionization cross section spectra of highly charged ions MCDF code is a good tool to solve the problem - Relativistic calculation - ab initio calculation Verification of Data by experiments and theory is necessary - by MCDF - in LHD,TRIAM,ASDEX-U - in laser facilities International collaboration  Japan (NIFS, ILE)  China (LFRC, SIOM)  Europe (ASDEX-U, JET)