Breaking down barriers: Informal, connected education and workforce services for adults in libraries
Needs Employability and Advancement Basic Skills Digital Skills Credentials Digital Access Lifelong Learning
Adult Basic Education Traditionally Course-based (schedules and curriculum) Requires assessments, placement, and enrollment Educational outcome- oriented (NRS) Limited funding and capacity Low completion rates Trends Learner-centered Hybrid technology- enabled instruction Workforce integration Stackable credentials Performance-based and data-driven Challenges Funding models Reporting requirements Educator skills, esp. technology Technology access Marketing and outreach Do you agree? What would you add?
Workforce Services Traditionally Unemployment intervention-focused Requires basic skill/education levels Short-term case management Trends Skill gaps (STEM) Career pathways Job certification Web-based service delivery and tracking Challenges Diverse outreach Under-skilled populations Employer engagement Digital literacy Do you agree? What would you add?
Public Libraries Traditionally Collections- and facilities- focused Anonymity and Shhhh! Usage/transaction-oriented Underutilized by marginalized populations Cultural institutions Trends Patron-focused Digital access Maker spaces Learning spaces Community centers Partner collaborations Challenges Staff skills and roles Space Funding Diverse outreach Data collection Do you agree? What would you add?
ALL Access connects learners to Adult Ed, Workforce Services, and Libraries Whole adult-centered Ongoing relationships Flexible and open participation Need-based content areas Extensive outreach Builds community and capacity Leverages technology to engage and empower learners Have you heard of connected learning?
Collaborations and Connections
ALL Access Development Process Guiding principles Agile program development Local need focused Leverage partners/assets Data-driven Questions about how we work?
Learning Lounge Drop-in and Flexible Establish relationship Technology-enabled Teacher-facilitated and peer learning Make referrals to programs and services Lifelong learning home base Data Feedback? Questions?
Exploration Station Assistive Technology station in the librariesAssistive Technology PD for librarians, adult educators, other professionals Drop-in times for patrons to explore options, referrals for additional assistance Feedback? Questions?
One-on-One Technology Help Individualized help Build confidence, empower learning Build relationships Data Magdelena DeSousa to US Senator Jack Reed: “I worked in the financial industry for 17 years, and then to be cost effective they decided to not work in Rhode Island anymore. It is hard to have to start all over again. You get in this routine day-in and day- out. You aren’t exposed to this kind of stuff,” she said. “They have been really helpful here, even just helping me navigate through my new laptop. They are flexible, and I like that I don’t have to take a college class or make a commitment.” Feedback? Questions?
Computer Certificates Proctored assessments for computer skills: web, , Excel, Word, etc. Great program for outreachGreat program for outreach Francisco Jimon, 31, received his NorthStar certifications in four modules. “Every job you go for, they ask for computer skills,” said Jimon. “I’m a chef, but still need to use the computer to keep track of inventory. This will help me a lot in the future.” Feedback? Questions?
Jobs Clubs Local needs and partners shape program: Focused on ESL Hospitality, retail, manufacturing Focused on English for work, job search, employer visits Open to all Not industry-specific Focused on providing support, building confidence, using online tools for job and career Feedback? Questions?
iPad/iPhone Club Emerged from One-on-One Technology at Cranston Public Library Meeting a community need, building a community of learners Very open-ended, high engagement, high peer learning. Feedback? Questions?
RI Resource Hub Data Statewide effort to create learner- centered hub for education and career Funded by SLDS grant Leveraged in application for ALL Access IMLS grant Led by RI Adult Ed Professional Development Center Feedback? Questions?
Challenges and Opportunities Sustainability: WIOA?, CDBG Outreach Scale: Staffing, hours, space Culture change, reimagining Expanded partnerships provide system-wide support to lifelong learners (continuum of learning) Program satellites in library Do you agree? What would you add?
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