Franklin Delano Roosevelt FDR was born at Hyde Park, New York on January 30, 1882 Parents were James Roosevelt Sr. and Sara Delano
Roosevelt Family Married Theodore Roosevelt’s niece Anna Elanor Roosevelt on March 17, 1905 Had children of which five survived infancy Children include Anna (1906), James (1907), Elliot (1910), Franklin Jr. (1914), and John (1916)
Before Presidency Attended Groton, prepatory school in Massachusetts from Received a BA in history from Harvard in 1903 Studied law at New York’s Columbia University Passed the Bar Exam in 1907 Practiced law with a prominent New York Wall Street Law Firm from 1907 to 1910 Was elected into the New York Senate as a democrat in 1910 where he served two terms In 1913 he was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy by Woodrow Wilson From 1913 to 1917 he founded the United States Navy Reserve In 1929 was elected governor of New York and served two terms
FDR’s First Term Elected to first term in 1932 During first term ¼ of the work force was unemployed, Farmers in trouble because of a 60% decrease in prices, Industrial production fell by half, 2 million people were homeless, banking system fell completely. Roosevelt began a program named “relief, recovery, and reform. Roosevelt's “First 100 Days” were concintrating on the releif. The Federal Emergency Releif Administration for the unemployed was installed. The Civilian Conservation Corps or CCC was used to give unemployed men jobs on local rural projects.
FDR’s Second Term
FDR’s Third Term
FDR’s Fourth Term
During His Presidency Great Depression Pearl Harbor World War II The Holocaust First Atomic Bomb used
FDR’s Death In the summer of 1921 he was stricken with poliomyelitis. Had high blood pressure along with heart disease Died on April 12, 1945 of a cerebral hemorrhage at Warm Springs, Georgia
FDR Memorial