Roosevelt’s New Deal 1 st 100 days, 15 relief 7 recovery measures (1933) “short term relief” “regain trust of America”
relief, recover, reform legislation & commissions
Banking Crisis Bank Holiday- 4 days Emergency Banking Act Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Glass-Steagall Act Gold Reserve Act of 1934 Home Owners Loan Corp. (HOLC) Farm Credit Administration (FCA)
Alphabet Programs Jobs/labor, businesses, loans, conservation, infrastructure, arts Fireside Chats Second New Deal “long term reform”
Problems with the Supreme Court- “Nine Old Men” “Court Packing”
Supreme Court was striking down New Deal legislation.Supreme Court was striking down New Deal legislation. Roosevelt proposed a bill to allow the president to name a new federal judge for each who did not retire by age 70 and 1/2. 6 justices over age limit.6 justices over age limit. Would have increased the number of justices from 9 to 15, giving FDR a majority of his own appointees on the court. The court-packing bill was not passed by Congress.The court-packing bill was not passed by Congress. Supreme Court was striking down New Deal legislation.Supreme Court was striking down New Deal legislation. Roosevelt proposed a bill to allow the president to name a new federal judge for each who did not retire by age 70 and 1/2. 6 justices over age limit.6 justices over age limit. Would have increased the number of justices from 9 to 15, giving FDR a majority of his own appointees on the court. The court-packing bill was not passed by Congress.The court-packing bill was not passed by Congress.
Roosevelt’s Recession What was it and why did it occur? pg. 826
Reflective Questions for Tonight 1. Did it lowered unemployment to acceptable levels? 2. People become dependent on the Government. Is this a good or bad thing? 3. How did it effect the Deficit and Debt? 4. What impacts did the new Deal have on Women and Blacks 5. What is Keynesian economics? 6. Did his New Deal Really Work?