Progressive Politicians 10.2 Teddy Roosevelt Becomes President
1900 Presidential Election Republicans: William McKinley and Teddy Roosevelt Democrat: William Jennings Bryan McKinley and Roosevelt win in landslide – due to economy
Theodore Roosevelt = TR Former Assistant Sec. of Navy Had encouraged War with Spain Led Rough Riders into battle in Cuba Became Governor of New York Reformed government and regulated big business = Very Progressive views Now VP – age 42
Death of McKinley Buffalo, NY Pan American Exposition President McKinley is assassinated by Anarchist Leon Czolgosz (Zol-gawsh) Did it for the poor & forgotten McKinley dies Sept. 14, 01 Sent to electric chair in Oct ‘01
Roosevelt Brings Progressivism to the Presidency Presidents had governed with a hands-off approach Roosevelt – man of extraordinary energy Hated corruption and monopolies Roosevelt used the office as a “bully pulpit” to make changes in policy
The United Mine Workers Strike & The Square Deal
The United Mine Workers Strike 1902 – 150,000 coal miners strike Demand higher wages & recognition of their union Sign petition asking president Roosevelt to intervene on their behalf
Conservatives vs. Progressives Urge the TR to order the miners back to work Progressives Urge the TR to place the miners under federal control TR – encourages both sides to agree to arbitration - 3rd party settles dispute Threatens Fed. takeover to force mine owners to agreement
Compromise Reached Workers received higher wages and shorter days Owners did not have to recognize the union = First time federal government intervened to protect workers
“The Square Deal” Roosevelt called the result of the mine strike a “square deal” “The Square Deal” became Roosevelt’s 1904 campaign slogan Easily wins reelection in 1904
Reform Under President Roosevelt
TR’s Reform: Trust-busting Trust - Arrangement grouping several companies under a single board of directors to eliminate competition and to regulate production. TR – believed big companies needed to behave responsibly = look out for public good Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) – prohibited monopolies and trusts that restrained trade
Northern Securities Co. Case 1902 Roosevelt directs the attorney general to sue Northern Securities Co. Company controlled by J.P. Morgan (Owned General Electric and U.S. Steel) Northern Securities Co monopolized shipping from Chicago to Northwest US
Northern Securities Co. Case Supreme Court ruled – The company violated the Sherman Anti-Trust Act Ordered the company dissolved
Trust-busting TR launched trust-busting campaign - over 44 lawsuits against businesses that were against the public good TR also regulated the Railroad industry – Elkins Act – stop corporate rebates Hepburn Act – set railroad rates
Food and Drug Co. Reform By the 1900s it became clear many food distributors were selling dangerous products to the public Chemicals made food look fresh Ex: add formaldehyde to spoiled eggs Also used in embalming Drug Companies – sold Over-the-counter drugs contained cocaine and morphine
Upton Sinclair: The Jungle
Meatpacking Industry Exposed by author Upton Sinclair in his book The Jungle Rotten meat would lay on the floor and accidents would often happen People and parts fell into meat grinder Very dirty atmosphere Sinclair – “I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach”
Government Response Meat Inspection Act Required federal inspection of meat shipped across state lines Pure Food and Drug Act - Forbade the manufacture, sale, or transportation of food and medicine containing harmful ingredients Must label ingredients
TR’s National Park System TR – avid outdoorsmen and conservationist = legacy Knew that natural resources were limited – environment needed to be saved Public land quickly being destroyed by big business
Gifford Pinchot Close friend of Roosevelt Founder of the Conservation Movement Convinced Roosevelt to protect the nation’s natural resources
Roosevelt’s Solution Withdrew the sale of millions of acres of public land Newlands Reclamation Act – Made damaged land usable Established the US Forest Service and National Park Service 194 million acres for Nat. Parks 42 million acres of Nat. Forest 51 national wildlife refuges Grand Canyon and Petrified Forest