Bell Ringer: In the space provided on your note sheet, please list 5 traits that you believe a president should have Today’s Objective: After today’s lesson, you will be able to list and describe the major achievements of Teddy Roosevelt’s presidency
Teddy Roosevelt Our 23 rd President
Outside of the Presidency Home Schooled Attended Harvard Was an amateur boxer Ran the US Naval Dept. Led the “Rough Riders” in Cuba during Span-Am war. Earned Congressional Medal of Honor Won the Nobel Peace Prize Was Governor of NY An avid writer, wrote 14 books on everything from history to nature. Vice-President , became president when President McKinley was assassinated in 1901
Square Deal Roosevelt’s domestic program, part of his Progressive agenda. Three Main Ideas –Control of Corporations –Consumer Protection –Conservation of Natural Resources
Regulating Business Roosevelt believed that the government should use its power to break up trusts, thus earning him the title of Trust-Buster precedent Asked the Attorney General to invoke the Sherman Anti-Trust Act against the Northern Securities company – a precedent that future presidents would follow
Protecting Consumers Muck RakersMuck Rakers had exposed food and drug companies’ wrong doings. –Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle –Samuel Hopkins Adams’ The Great American Fraud The Pure Food and Drug act (1906) –Required food and drug makers to list ingredients –Outlawed dangerous ingredients –Led to the creation of the Food and Drug Admin.
Conservation Established the National Park Service While president, TR managed to establish 150 national forests, 5 national parks and 18 national monuments 230,000,000 (two hundred thirty million) acres preserved – equal to 84,000 per day in office. "Optimism is a good characteristic, but if carried to an excess, it becomes foolishness. We are prone to speak of the resources of this country as inexhaustible; this is not so." Seventh Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1907
Impact on Today Take 30 seconds and brainstorm: How do the changes made during Teddy Roosevelt’s presidency affect us today?