Resident Fish Above Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams Project No. 1997-004-00 Kalispel Tribe of Indians Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Spokane.


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Presentation transcript:

Resident Fish Above Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams Project No Kalispel Tribe of Indians Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Spokane Tribe of Indians Colville Confederated Tribes Jason Connor Charles Lee January 18, 2012

Project Goals 1.Assess current fishery and habitat conditions in the Blocked Area using regionally standardized data collection methods. 2.Compile standardized fishery, habitat, and water quality data into publically accessible database to facilitate data sharing, transparency, and ensure policy makers and managers have access to the latest research with which to base decisions. 3.Recommend and implement management actions based on research results.

Major Accomplishments 1.Baseline tributary and lake fishery and habitat assessments. 2.Box Canyon Reservoir resident fishery and northern pike invasion. 3.Redband trout stock assessments on Spokane River, Lake Roosevelt, and upper Columbia River. 4.Westslope cutthroat trout movement and survival in the Priest/Pend Oreille rivers. 5.Burbot stock assessments in Bead and Sullivan lakes.

Objectives 1.Native redband trout stock assessment in lower Spokane River, Lake Roosevelt, and upper Columbia River. 2.Lake trout stock assessment in Priest and Upper Priest lakes. 3.Box Canyon Reservoir northern pike and resident fish monitoring. 4.Data management.

Box Canyon Reservoir northern pike and resident fish monitoring Gill netting Survey Abundance Growth, size and age structure Condition Maturity, fecundity Diet Total annual mortality Gill net, fyke net, electrofishing Species composition Relative abundance Growth, size and age structure Condition WDFW Standardized warmwater surveys (3-5 yrs.) Spring Pike Index Netting Surveys SPIN (annually)

Priest Lake and Upper Priest Lake lake trout stock assessment 1.Movement, behavior, and survival 2.Abundance 3.Population structure IDFG methods developed at Lake Pend Oreille Trap nets, gill nets Acoustic telemetry

Kettle River (WDFW) Rotary Screw Trap Blue Creek (STOI / JSAP, LRFEP) Smolt Fence / Box Trap PIT Tag Array Adult Weir Sanpoil River (CCT) Rotary Screw Trap PIT Tag Array Resistance Board Weir Lake Roosevelt Grand Coulee Dam 1939 Little Falls Dam km long 33,490 hectares Upper Columbia River (US – Canada Border) Additional ~ 26 km Co-Managers Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Spokane Tribe of Indians Colville Confederated Tribes Big Sheep Creek (WDFW / JSAP) Rotary Screw Trap Smolt Fence / Box Trap PIT Tag Array Resistance Board Weir

Native Redband Trout Stock Assessment in Lake Roosevelt and the Upper Columbia River  Genetic Composition  Recruitment  Harvest  Escapement  Interactions with hatchery stocks Provide stock assessment data to managers to help in developing strategies to manage for recreational and subsistence harvest, while promoting healthy wild populations.

Big Sheep Creek Native Redband Trout Stock Assessment 2010 Installed Rotary Screw Trap (RST) Constructed and Tested PIT Tag Array Weekly Discharge 2011 Rotary Screw Trap (May-July) Collected 137 Juvenile Redband Genetics and Scale samples Modified Box Trap / Drift nets Collected 32 YOY and 1 Juvenile Instream PIT tag detection Weekly Discharge Measurements 22 – 3,544 cfs

Kettle River Native Redband Trout Stock Assessment 2010 Rotary screw trap installed October 18 First redband trout collected November ,840 fish and 13 species collected May 13 discharge >26,000 cfs 17 redband collected One redband tagged August Operate screw trap on Kettle River Juvenile trapping on Kettle River tributaries
