Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal Main Idea: Roosevelt used his presidency to push for reforms
What was Theodore Roosevelt’s view of the role of the president? He used the power of the office as a “bully pulpit”: a platform to publicize important issues and seek support for his policies. Shortly after becoming president, 150,000 coal miners went on strike. Roosevelt forced arbitration
What was the Square Deal square 1.a rectangle having all four sides of equal length. 2.anything having this form or a form approximating it, as a city block, rectangular piece of candy, etc. open area or plaza in a city or town, formed by the meeting or intersecting of two or more streets and often planted with grass, trees, etc., in the center 4.a rectangularly shaped area on a game board, as in chess or checkers. 5.a try square, T square, or the like. 6.Mathematics. a.the second power of a quantity, expressed as a2 = a × a, where a is the quantity.b.a quantity that is the second power of another: 7.Slang. a person who is ignorant of or uninterested in current fads, ideas, manners, tastes, etc.; an old-fashioned, conventional, or conservative person .8.Military. (formerly) a body of troops drawn up in quadrilateral form. 9.Building Trades. a unit of measure for roofing materials, equal to 100 square feet (9.3 sq. m). 10.a flower bud of the cotton plant. 11.Nautical. the area at the bottom of a hatchway. 12.Usually, squares. Informal. a square meal: to get three squares a day. 13.Astrology. a situation in which two heavenly bodies or groups of heavenly bodies have celestial longitudes differing by 90 degrees, an aspect indicative of internal tension with an equally strong and conflicting need for adjustment. 14.Obsolete. a pattern, standard, or example.
–verb (used with object) reduce to square, rectangular, or cubical form (often fol. by off): mark out in one or more squares or rectangles. test with measuring devices for deviation from a right angle, straight line, or plane surface. 18.Mathematics. multiply (a number or quantity) by itself; raise to the second describe or find a square that is equivalent in area to:. bring to the form of a right angle or right angles; set at right angles to something else. even the score of (a contest): set (the shoulders and back) in an erect posture so they form an angle similar to a right angle. make straight, level, or even: regulate, as by a standard; adapt; adjust. adjust harmoniously or satisfactorily (often fol. by with): balance; pay off; settle: 26.Slang. to secure a desired action or attitude by means of bribery; bribe.
Square Deal Promised to give everyone a square deal: everyone is entitled to the same as everyone else Called for limiting trusts, promoting public health and safety, and improving working conditions
Regulating Big Business Went after companies that tried to build a monopoly Mostly went after companies that were bad for the public by selling inferior products, competed unfairly, or corrupted public officials Began to regulate the railways Began creating laws that protected the public such as the meat inspection act, and the pure drug and drug act
Also focused on environmental conservation Newlands Reclaimation Act allowed the government to try to make land productive Started the country on a road of conservation (management of natural resources)