TRA Jeopardy
Subject Area Final Jeopardy Habitats Hiking Basics Timucuan Preserve Plants & Animals 200 Thanks Willie!
Hiking Basics This is worn to keep insects away
Hiking Basics Answer—What is (insect) repellant?
Hiking Basics This animal must be kept on a leash at all times.
Hiking Basics Answer—What is a dog?
Hiking Basics This substance provides the best way to stay hydrated while hiking.
Hiking Basics Answer— What is water?
Hiking Basics This substance is worn to project skin from getting burned.
Hiking Basics Answer—What is sun screen?
Hiking Basics This is the only thing that should be left behind after a hike.
Hiking Basics Answer— What are footprints?
Hiking Basics These should be followed in order to get around the park safely and to avoid getting lost.
Hiking Basics Answer— What are trail markers?
Hiking Basics Besides memories, this should be all a visitor takes away from the park.
Hiking Basics Answer- What are pictures?
Thanks Willie This person donated the Theodore Roosevelt area to be preserved.
Thanks Willie Answer—Willie Browne
Thanks Willie This term was used by Willie to describe the potential loss of natural space.
Thanks Willie Answer – What is a “concrete jungle”?
Thanks Willie The name of the president admired by Willie Browne.
Thanks Willie Answer- Theodore Roosevelt
Thanks Willie This is the year that Willie Browne died.
Thanks Willie Answer – What is 1970?
Thanks Willie This is the name of Willie Browne’s brother.
Thanks Willie Answer – Who is Saxon?
Thanks Willie This disease was the cause of his the death of Willie Browne’s two older sisters?
Thanks Willie Answer- What is the Spanish Flu?
Thanks Willie This Civil War veteran is buried near the remains of Willie Browne’s cabin.
Thanks Willie Answer – Who is John Nathan Spearing?
Habitats This is a body of water that flows into the ocean.
Habitats Answer – What is a river?
Habitats This is a term for the mix of salt and fresh water.
Habitats Answer – What is brackish?
Habitats This area is referred to as the birth place of most ocean fish.
Habitats Answer – What is an estuary?
Habitats This area is a permanently flooded plain filled with brackish water where fresh and ocean waters meet.
Habitats Answer – What is a salt marsh?
Habitats This is a permanently flooded plain filled with neither salt or brackish water which serves as a habitat for tiny and/or microscopic plants and animals.
Habitats Answer – What is a fresh water swamp?
Habitats This grass forms large colonies along coastal salt marshes such as the one in the Theodore Roosevelt Area.
Habitats Answer – What is Spartina?
Habitats This is a narrow band of forest that develops almost exclusively on stabilized back- dunes of barrier islands, inland of primary dunes and scrub.
Habitats Answer – What is a Maritime Hammock?
Plants & Animals This is a masked animal that can grow to more than 5 feet, get in garbage and carry rabies.
Plants & Animals Answer – What is a raccoon?
Plants & Animals There are five different species of this berry that grow wild in the preserve.
Plants & Animals Answer – What are blueberries?
Plants & Animals This slow-moving reptile’s name sounds like a mammal that burrows holes in the ground and lives on land.
Plants & Animals Answer – What is a Gopher Tortoise?
Plants & Animals This plant was used by the Timucuan for shampoo, sunburn and toothpaste.
Plants & Animals Answer – What is a Yucca plant?
Plants & Animals According to legend, this plant became caught in the beards of the Spanish Conquistadors as they chased Timucuan maidens.
Plants & Animals Answer – What is Spanish Moss?
Plants & Animals This is an ancient plant that grows in the preserve that the Timucuan used to make bread.
Plants & Animals Answer – What is a Coontie Palm?
Plants & Animals This multi-colored bird or avian in the preserve looks as if an artist covered it green, red, blue and yellow.
Plants & Animals Answer – What is a Painted Bunting?
Timucuan Preserve This is the name of the county/city government that works with the National Park Service to preserve the Timucuan Ecological & Historical Preserve.
Timucuan Preserve Answer – What is Duval (Jacksonville)?
Timucuan Preserve These are the locations of the visitor centers within the Timucuan Ecological & Historical Preserve.
Timucuan Preserve Answer - What is Fort Caroline and Kingsley Plantation?
Timucuan Preserve This is the name of the river that goes through the southern part of the Timucuan Ecological & Historical Preserve.
Timucuan Preserve Answer – What is the St. Johns River?
Timucuan Preserve This is the number acres in the Timucuan Ecological & Historical Preserve.
Timucuan Preserve Answer – What is 46,000?
Timucuan Preserve This is the year that the Timucuan Ecological & Historical Preserve was officially established by federal statute.
Timucuan Preserve Answer – What is 1988?
Timucuan Preserve This is the branch of government that governs the National Park Service and the Timucuan Ecological & Historical Preserve.
Timucuan Preserve Answer – What is the executive branch?
Timucuan Preserve This is the name of the US congressman who sponsored legislation for the Timucuan Ecological & Historical Preserve.
Timucuan Preserve Answer – Who is Charlie Bennett?
Final Jeopardy This is the proper name for the large mounds of oyster shells located on the trail.
Final Jeopardy Answer – What is a shell midden?