Progressive Presidents President’s that are not laissez-faire. Progressive Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson
Theodore Roosevelt Huge supporter of Progressive Reform and forest conservation His plan to fix America was the Square Deal: Keep the rich and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners and the poor Make sure there is no corruption in government (ensure a square [fair] deal)
Roosevelt the Reformer (Good and Bad Trusts) Elkins Act: fined railroads that gave special rates/rebates to favored shippers Set up because the Supreme Court had decreased the power of the Interstates Commerce Commission (ICC) Hepburn Act: strengthened the power of the ICC Government can set and limit shipping rates Set maximum prices for ferries, bridge tolls and oil pipelines Northern Securities vs. US: Roosevelt broke up a railroad trust (trustbuster or trust-tamer?) Anthracite Coal Strike: Roosevelt helped coal miners on strike to get a pay raise and 9 hour workday First time government had sided with workers
Roosevelt Cleans House After the publication of The Jungle, Roosevelt demands reform Meat Inspection Act: government inspects meat crossing state lines and inspects meat processing plants Pure Food and Drug Act: placed the same controls on other foods and medicines Labels on food Consumed items are now tested and approved by the Food and Drug Administration
William Howard Taft in Office Hand picked by Roosevelt to carry on with his plans but Taft set his own agenda Did not distinguish between good and bad trusts…busted all big businesses that were unreasonable Standard Oil and US Steel Mann Act: gave the government control over telephone and telegraph rates Payne- Aldrich Tariff: lowered tariffs but not enough to make Roosevelt happy Led to many Progressives withdrawing their support for Taft
Progressive/Bull Moose Party Roosevelt was so unhappy with Taft’s policies Progressives form their own party (splits the Republican party) Roosevelt claims that he was as “strong as a bull moose” to break up trusts (New Nationalism)
The Election of 1912 Progressives: Roosevelt (17%) Republicans: Taft (1%) Democrats: Woodrow Wilson (82%), had the best chance Wins because the votes were split between Roosevelt and Taft
Wilson’s New Freedom Looked a lot like Roosevelt’s New Nationalism plan Put strict government controls on big corporations (monopolies) Provide more freedom for small businesses Attacked tariffs, banks and trusts
Wilson in Office 16th Amendment: graduated income tax Wealthy pay a higher percentage than poor people Federal Reserve Act: put banks under the control of the government and Federal Reserve Sets interests rates and the reserve rate (how much money banks must have in the bank) Clayton Antitrust Act: strengthened previous antitrust laws and spelled out what trusts could not do
18th Amendment Prohibition: Outlawed the production and sale of alcohol Became law with the 18th Amendment Supported by women who had supported Temperance (moderation) Carrie A. Nation attacked bars with hatchets and Bibles
Volstead Act: law that enforced the amendment Prohibition would improve families and society “A noble experiment” Result: increase in organized crime to get liquor out Moonshine Rum runners
Read pages 507-510 Read page 511 Page 507: 4 RFQ Page 510: 1-4 Answer the Analyze the Impact question. Brown v Board of Education Information can be found on pages 911-913